The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1882 You have liked Yuanyuan since childhood

Now that there are no outsiders around, Yu Yuanyuan doesn't need to deny or prove anything.

After a short period of brain confusion, she calmed down and thought carefully.

It seems that brother Shen Ji has been a perfect existence in her heart since she was a child. Could it be that she unconsciously brought her conditions for choosing a mate into brother Shen Ji?


Brother Shen Ji is the one who best meets all the requirements, where can she find someone who can meet so many requirements?
Even Yu Yuanyuan felt that her "sophistry" was weak and a little funny.

Letting go of 200 points, is she trying to find someone with 100 points to prove that she doesn't like Shen Ji?
This is probably because the difficulty factor is extremely high, but it is also very convincing.

"Ah——" Yu Yuanyuan's heart was beating fast, and her brain started to feel hot and lack of oxygen, so she simply plunged into the quilt and buried herself in the soft bed.

The other end of the phone.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Gu Beiyan broke out in a cold sweat.

Did he say the wrong thing?
It's always okay to joke in the group, and say something, it's the first time that it's so quiet like now that it's scary.

Gu Beiyan was frightened and quickly called Chu Qi.

The opposite person picks up in seconds, but replying to his messages in the group is indispensable! !
"Qiqi, I... did I say something wrong?? Why are you ignoring me! Yuanyuan also ignoring me!!" Gu Beiyan cried and complained while hugging the phone.

Chu Qi sighed on the phone: "I don't know if you should be counted as wrong. You seem to be right, but you just punctured a layer of window paper."

"What... what do you mean?" Gu Beiyan felt that his brain was not enough.

"For so many years, looking at the relationship between Yuanyuan and Shen Ji, can't you guess something?"

"When you say it like that... it seems to be true." Even Gu Beiyan, a wooden fish head, was awakened by Chu Qi.

What he said just now was just a casual joke, but now, Gu Beiyan has completely figured it out.

It turns out that the details are hidden in the daily life!
Yu Yuanyuan's conditions for choosing a mate were not just to deal with what they said casually, but were subtly influenced. In the bottom of her heart, she had already regarded Shen Ji as the best and most admired person, and he was the best and best existence in Yu Yuanyuan's heart.

Naturally, he would subconsciously set him on the conditions for choosing a mate.

With a ready-made person beside her who agrees with all the conditions, how could Yu Yuanyuan not be tempted?

She just lacks a chance to discover the little secret in her heart.

"Hey, if you want to cry, just cry." It was rare for Chu Qi to speak to him in a gentle tone, and Gu Beiyan was surprised to the point of bewilderment.

"Why am I crying?"

"I know you have liked Yuanyuan since you were a child."

"Don't bring up things about your childhood." Gu Beiyan didn't expect Chu Qi to open which pot and which pot to pick up. "We are all good friends of Yuanyuan!"

"Really? You put it down?"

Chu Qi has never discussed with Gu Beiyan about his relationship issues.

"I haven't picked it up before. It's different when I was a child and when I was growing up." Gu Beiyan relaxed and leaned in the crew's lounge. "Actually, I think Yuanyuan's conditions are quite reasonable. I thought about it carefully. I I also like people who are smarter than me."

Chu Qi: "..."

"Understand each other, understand each other, smarter than me," Gu Beiyan muttered and counted, "It's better to have enough emotional foundation, like a queen... Wait, why is it a bit like you?"

Chu Qi: "Hang up, bye."

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