The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1883 A Woman Sitting Opposite

"Eh? Wait..."

"Beep beep..."

Listening to the busy tone from the phone, Gu Beiyan scratched his hair in doubt: "Am I scary? Hanging up so fast, really."

With his own strength, Gu Beiyan managed to make the hearts of the two girls more and more chaotic.

Originally thought that after one night, her mood would be better, but Yu Yuanyuan has repeatedly reminded herself not to think about it.

But I still didn't fall asleep most of the night, with my eyes open as if I swallowed a ton of coffee.

She went downstairs to play with Dahua for a while, and then went back to the bedroom to get sleepy.

At this time, the lights in Yu's house were dim, and there was only the warm yellow light from the street lamps outside in the villa.

Obviously, every time she sees such a scene, Yu Yuanyuan will get a warm peace in her heart, but tonight seems to be a little different, it is difficult for her to gain peace of mind from this peace like before.

Tossing and turning on the bed, not knowing what time it would be, Yu Yuanyuan fell asleep.

But after falling asleep, the fate is not much better.

She dreamed that she was wearing a beautiful wedding dress, obviously wedding attire.

But there was no one around except her, and Yu Yuanyuan was a little scared by the overly quiet feeling.

Holding the hem of the wedding dress, she walked along the carpet on the floor, and finally saw the second person!

That back figure was very familiar, even if the other party didn't turn around, Yu Yuanyuan could still accurately call out his name: "Brother Shen Ji!"

Shen Ji in the dream is also wearing a handsome dress. It seems that he is also the protagonist of today's wedding.

Yu Yuanyuan thought of a possibility, it was crazy, but it was still stirring in her heart.

Is this...the wedding between her and brother Shen Ji?
Holding the hem of her skirt, she excitedly prepared to jump forward into Shen Ji's arms, but her feet became heavier and heavier, and the hem of her skirt rubbed against the carpet, making her steps more and more difficult.

When she was about to reach Shen Ji, there was a female figure also wearing a wedding dress at the end of the red carpet.

Why would there be a second person in a wedding dress?

Isn't this her wedding with brother Shen Ji?
Yu Yuanyuan, who had preconceived all this, watched Shen Ji's back getting further and further away from her in shock, but walked straight to the girl who was waiting for him in the wedding dress in front.

"Brother Shen Ji——"

No matter how Yu Yuanyuan yelled, the people in front didn't seem to hear her voice, and walked further and further away.

Yu Yuanyuan, who was struggling desperately, woke up from the dream in fright, the pain and sadness in her heart continued to magnify after she woke up.

She sat on the bed blankly, the quiet surroundings and the already cool sky infinitely magnified her helplessness at this time.

If it is said that brother Shen Ji will really get married one day, if that person is someone else... Her mood should be as sad as in the dream, right?

Probably from childhood to adulthood, Shen Ji was almost never absent from her life.

Even when they went abroad to study, they often connected via computer, which did not make Yu Yuanyuan feel alienated.

The existence of Shen Ji seems to have become an indispensable key in her life, as if it has become the air, the breeze, and the raindrops that nourish everything.

Yu Yuanyuan never thought that this "companion" might disappear for some reason.

The scary thing about this dream is that it reminded Yu Yuanyuan of everything that she had neglected.

It was getting cold, Yu Yuanyuan couldn't sleep, she got up to take a shower, changed her clothes and went to play with Dahua in the yard.

At noon today, the family is going to have dinner at the new restaurant opened by Ma Ma's friend. Thinking of the happy atmosphere, Yu Yuanyuan hopes that she can temporarily escape from the terrible feeling brought about by that nightmare.

Even if it's just for a few hours.

However, when she arrived at the restaurant with everyone at noon, she unexpectedly saw Shen Ji also there.

It's just that he didn't come alone, there was a woman sitting opposite him.

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