The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1884 Choose a lifelong partner, 1 must be someone you like

Chapter 1884 Choose a lifelong partner, it must be someone you like

"Huh? It's Shen Ji, is Yuanyuan going to say hello?" He Yitong knew that Yu Yuanyuan and Shen Ji had a good relationship, so he nudged her lightly with his elbow.

Before Yu Yuanyuan could answer, Yu Jinxiao put his hand on He Yitong's shoulder: "Didn't you notice that the atmosphere is a bit special?"

He Yitong looked at it carefully for a while, and asked uncertainly: "Is this... a date?"

"Whether it's a date or a blind date, I don't think we should bother at this time." Yu Jinxiao raised his hand to hook Yu Yuanyuan and He Yitong's shoulders, and led them to the pre-booked box together.

Yu Mingxi walked last.

He had more time to observe the situation on Shen Ji's side.

It seems that Shen Ji never mentioned that he has a girlfriend, nor did he mention that he has a girl he likes.

The girl sitting across from her was obviously very concerned about this meeting. She put on light makeup and wore a limited-edition dress.

It can be seen that her family background is also very good, and Shen Ji can be regarded as a talented man and a beautiful woman.

It's just that Shen Ji doesn't seem to have much interest in her, and even the faint smile on his face is just a little bit of etiquette that he tries to maintain.

Yu Mingxi knew Shen Ji very well, they grew up together, if Shen Ji really liked something, he would definitely not look like this.

Walking into the box, He Yitong was still curious about the relationship between Shen Ji and that girl.

Yu Mingxi replied casually: "It should be a blind date."

"How do you know?" He Yitong was surprised, "Did Shen Ji tell you? It doesn't feel like Shen Ji is a kid who knows how to go on a blind date. He is so outstanding, girls who like him must have a long queue."

"But the daughter-in-law of the Shen family should also consider her family background and status, not necessarily because Shen Ji likes it." Yu Jinxiao's words made Yu Yuanyuan's heart shrink severely.

Obviously caring about all the topics related to Shen Ji, but she didn't know how to respond, so she could only sit there in a daze.

"What do you mean? You mean, after the cubs get married, it doesn't matter whether they like it or not?" He Yitong lowered his eyes, like a feline about to get angry.

"Of course not." Yu Jinxiao took a sip of tea calmly, "I told them personally that when choosing a life partner, it must be someone you like."

He Yitong was very satisfied with the answers he heard, and leaned his head on Yu Jinxiao's shoulder: "Why are you so good at talking now?"

"I talk all the time."

"Then what if one day Yuanyuan gets home with a boyfriend who is a cook, dad, you can accept it?" Yu Yingze said out of nowhere, instantly making the whole room dead silent.

Yu Jinxiao knew it was a joke, but his answer was very important.

If you say no, you are slapping yourself in the face.

It's okay, but Yu Jinxiao is afraid that Yu Yuanyuan will find a cook, so what's the matter?

Can the Yu Group be managed by a cook?
His son and daughter have all given up on family business inheritance in order to pursue their own ideals. Now all his hopes are placed on the future "new members".

If Yu Yuanyuan really brings back a cook, Yu Jinxiao doesn't guarantee whether he will have a heart attack.

"If he is really nice to Yuanyuan, and Yuanyuan likes it... let's talk about it later!" Yu Jinxiao brushed off the topic, and used food to stop Yu Yingze's nonsense mouth.

It has been a long time since the family sat down to eat a meal neatly like this, and joyous laughter resounded from time to time in the box.

But in such an environment, Yu Yuanyuan was still a little absent-minded.

(End of this chapter)

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