The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1885 I don't know whether to be happy or sad

Chapter 1885 I don't know whether to be happy or sad

From time to time, Yu Yuanyuan thought of how Shen Ji and that woman were face to face just now.

She had never seen such a "close" woman beside Shen Ji's brother, this was the first time, breaking Yu Yuanyuan's sense of security that had been so stable that it had been neglected.

Thinking of the dream last night, the appearance of this woman was like a ticking time bomb in Yu Yuanyuan's brain.

It seems that sooner or later it will explode, but it is not known when it will explode.

This feeling of no result and no answer made her feel like she was sitting on pins and needles.

Yu Yuanyuan didn't want others to see her emotions, so she buried her head in eating and eating, and just pretended to be the same as usual.

She is an actress, and it is easy to deceive others with her acting skills.

While eating, Yu Yuanyuan felt as if she had lost her sense of taste.

Obviously every dish is her favorite, and the cooking is very good, but it just tastes like wax, and she doesn't have the heart to taste it carefully.

Like ants on a frying pan, she finally took out her mobile phone and sent Shen Ji a text message——

"Brother Shen Ji, what are you doing?"

When entering the restaurant just now, Shen Ji didn't see them, and they didn't bother them either.

Yu Yuanyuan suddenly wanted to try, whether Shen Ji would tell the truth or lie to herself.

Text messages are answered quickly.

"My dad introduced a friend and was having dinner with her."

Yu Yuanyuan didn't have any hope of replying in seconds, but Shen Ji replied immediately as if he was on the phone, even though he was eating.

Looking back on the past, Shen Ji has always been like this, as long as it is her calls and messages, she will reply as quickly as possible.

Even occasionally sending some small links to share in the middle of the night, Shen Ji will reply the message as soon as possible.

Having gained too much, Yu Yuanyuan gradually got used to it, thinking that nothing would change.

However, it is difficult for anything to last forever, maybe after today's meal is over, Brother Shen Ji will also put more thoughts on that girl.

Yu Yuanyuan couldn't help sighing, and scanned the text message again, not knowing whether to be happy or sad.

Brother Shen Ji said it was an introduction, which meant that they hadn't developed a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend.

But he used "she". Brother Shen Ji didn't lie to her because he just regarded her as an ordinary friend and thought there was no need to hide it?

Countless messy thoughts wandered in her brain, and Yu Yuanyuan's eyes betrayed her mood in a certain moment.

"Yuanyuan, what's the matter?" Yu Mingxi lowered his voice, and only quietly asked about her situation when Yu Yingze was talking to Yu Jinxiao and He Yitong.

In fact, since entering the restaurant, he has noticed that Yu Yuanyuan's state is not right.

"'s okay." Shaking her head, Yu Yuanyuan even gave him an ugly smile.

That smile seemed to be forced out by someone holding a knife, it was clearly to cover up something.

Yu Mingxi nodded, didn't ask any more questions, just took out his phone, opened the text message interface, and sent a message.


The SMS alert sounded.

Yu Yuanyuan thought it was Shen Ji who sent another message, and before the bones in her mouth came up, she grabbed her phone to check.

However, the new message displayed on the screen was from my brother.

My brother is sitting next to her, why do you want to send text messages?

There must be tricks in it!
Yu Yuanyuan didn't turn her head to look at her brother, but opened the text message as if nothing had happened.

"Yuanyuan, after dinner, let's find a place to sit, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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