The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1886 You seem to like Shen Ji?

Chapter 1886 You seem to like Shen Ji?
Yu Mingxi has been Yu Yuanyuan's guiding light since childhood.

Whether it's a bad mood, occasional failure in grades, or a small conflict with a good friend...

Brother can always help her solve problems!
But today my brother actually offered to sit down. Could it be that my brother also encountered unhappy things at work?
Yu Yuanyuan immediately straightened her back and quickly sent an "OK" emoji.

"Don't tell the others, we all find an excuse to go out alone."

"No problem~"

The two of them quietly planned everything on their mobile phones, and they pretended to be nonchalant while having dinner. It was not until they were about to leave that Yu Mingxi made an excuse for himself, saying that he had something to go back to the hospital.

Yu Yingze had something to do in the afternoon, and He Yitong was off today, but she planned to go to a spa.

And Yu Jinxiao also went back to the company for a meeting.

There is basically no need to find any reason, they are all in a state of their own actions.

Yu Yuanyuan pretended to go shopping with Chu Qi, and after everyone else drove away, she found a shady place by the side of the road and waited for the phone call.

"Yuanyuan." Even without making a phone call, Yu Mingxi found her easily.

They chose a coffee shop nearby. Yu Mingxi had been here before. It was quiet, with booths far apart and partitions. It was very suitable for them to talk and not easy for fans to find.

Today's Yu Yuanyuan also deliberately disguised herself, as long as she didn't take off her sunglasses, it shouldn't be easy for passers-by to see her identity.

It wasn't until the coffee was served and the waiter left that Yu Yuanyuan took off his sunglasses: "Brother, what's the matter? Do you have something special you want to talk to me about?"

"Yuanyuan, is there anything unhappy about you? If you want to tell me, I will give you advice and help as before. If you don't want to say it, it doesn't matter. Brother is always there when you need help." Yu Mingxi didn't move There was coffee on the table, and when he spoke, he stared at the other side with serious and gentle eyes.

For some reason, Yu Yuanyuan suddenly wanted to cry, and the soreness that had been suppressed in her heart just now rushed to her heart, and even the tip of her nose and throat felt sour and uncomfortable.

Seeing Yu Yuanyuan's eye sockets were red, Yu Mingxi hastily handed over the tissue in distress.

He really wanted to ask, and asked Yu Yuanyuan to tell him everything.

But when Yuanyuan grew up, everyone would have their own little secrets, Yu Mingxi didn't want to add new pressure to her because of her questioning.

"Brother, I feel like I'm a bit strange... woo woo woo." Yu Yuanyuan groaned twice, afraid that others would hear, and covered her mouth again.

"Is there something wrong with your body?" With the memory of the fairyland before, Yu Mingxi was also frightened by Yu Yuanyuan's state, thinking that there was something wrong with her body.

"No, it's actually... I don't know what to say," Yu Yuanyuan, who was crying, came to his lips, swallowed it sadly, put his head on his arm and pouted depressedly, "I've been talking since last night. It's annoying until now, it's all Bei Yan's fault!"

"Ah?" Yu Mingxi carefully analyzed Yu Yuanyuan's words, and tried to guess, "Could it be Beiyan who confessed to you?"

"Karma?!" His eyes widened instantly, and Yu Yuanyuan almost jumped up, "No!!! He suddenly said yesterday that my conditions for choosing a mate are exactly the same as that of brother Shen Ji, and I found that I seem to..."

"You seem to like Shen Ji?"


The secret that had never been shared with anyone was guessed right by Yu Mingxi, and Yu Yuanyuan's cheeks turned red.

(End of this chapter)

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