The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1887 You Just Do What I Say

Yu Yuanyuan didn't answer, she buried her head in her coffee, and the cup of coffee soon ran out.

Seeing her reaction, Yu Mingxi knew that his guess was correct.

"Brother, shouldn't I be like this?" After a long silence, Yu Yuanyuan asked weakly, not even daring to look into Yu Mingxi's eyes.

Yu Mingxi took a sip of coffee slowly before asking, "Why not?"

"Maybe elder brother Shen Ji just considers me a younger sister and a friend, but I..."

"So Yuanyuan, do you think Shen Ji is an excellent person?"

"Of course! Brother Shen Ji is a very, very good person!"

If Yu Yuanyuan was really asked to count the advantages of Shen Ji, she could count many, many, but this question was asked by Yu Mingxi, and she didn't want her emotions to be too strong.

"I also think Shen Ji is a very good person." Yu Mingxi's voice was very gentle, and she didn't seem to have any doubts or blame for Yu Yuanyuan, which made her dare to look up at her brother, "An excellent person, someone It's normal to like and admire, even if it's us Yuanyuan, there's nothing strange about it, right?"


"Don't know what to do, do you?"

Yu Yuanyuan seemed to be choking on a breath of air, covered her mouth and coughed a few times, she was surprised: "Brother, why do you know everything!!!"

"Of course, we are a family," Yu Mingxi touched Yu Yuanyuan's head, his eyes changed, "Yuanyuan doesn't know what to do, do you need my help?"

"Help... help? You can't tell brother Shen Ji!" The elder brother's words sounded terrible, as if he wanted to help her chase brother Shen Ji, and Yu Yuanyuan jumped out of the chair in fright.

She waved her hands desperately, and that look was funny enough.

Yu Mingxi was also teased to move his mouth, but his eyes were very calm: "Yuanyuan, if you trust me, you will do this matter as I say."

"Then what should I do?" Anyway, I have no idea, Yu Yuanyuan relied on her elder brother's cleverness since she was a child, and wanted to hear his elder brother's opinion.

"From this moment on, as long as Shen Ji calls, don't answer; Shen Ji's invitations, all make excuses to refuse; Shen Ji's messages can only be answered once a day, no more than 5 words."

Yu Yuanyuan was confused: "But if this is the case, will Brother Shen Ji be angry?"

"If you believe me, Yuanyuan, just do what I say, and I will help you with the rest." After Yu Mingxi finished speaking, he picked up the phone and put it back on the table.

"Brother, you won't... tell Brother Shen Ji, right? I don't want him to know." Yu Yuanyuan, who was not ready yet, was very afraid that her feelings would be known by others.

"Don't worry, I won't tell Shen Ji, but you just need to do what I say, and the rest is just to wait."

"Then when will we wait?"

"When he comes to you and you meet, then you should know what you are going to do."

"In case I still haven't figured it out..."

"Yuanyuan, don't worry, brother won't harm you."

This is true.

Although there are too many doubts in her heart, Yu Yuanyuan knows that her brother has always been smart, whether it is visible or invisible, as long as he wants to control, everything is under control.

My brother must have a reason for saying that.

"What! Yuanyuan, you like Shen Ji!" A figure suddenly jumped out from under the waist-high partition.

Yu Yuanyuan's heart skipped a beat in fright, and her head thumped loudly.

Known someone other than my brother! ! !

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