The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1888 Shen Ji is much more reliable than a cook

The figure that jumped out was tall, and the shadow cast by his body made Yu Yuanyuan dizzy.

After seeing who it was, Yu Yuanyuan almost suffocated!
"Okay, you two came out to talk quietly without telling me," Yu Yingze squeezed Yu Yuanyuan into the seat with his butt, and sat down as a matter of course, "Fortunately, I left my mobile phone in the restaurant. When I passed by, I I also thought the phone case on the table looked familiar, so I went in to have a look, but I didn't expect it to be Yuanyuan."

Although the restaurant is close to the floor-to-ceiling windows, the height is just right to cover the faces of customers.

Only what is on the table will be revealed.

Unexpectedly, Yu Yuanyuan's phone case became a clue to reveal her identity!
"How, what are you talking about? Do you need my advice?" With his chin resting on his hands, Yu Yingze blinked his eyes, not at all looking like he was here to help.

Yu Yuanyuan rubbed her temples, and the moment she turned around, she cried and grabbed Yu Yingze's cuff: "Second brother~~~~~"

"Hmm~~~" Yu Yingze also deliberately imitated her tone and replied.

"You must not tell anyone about this matter, you can't tell Baba, you can't tell Mama, you can't tell Beiyan, and you can't tell Brother Shen Ji!!" Afraid that Yu Yingze would play word games, Yu Yuanyuan simply said The list was made for him.

"Why? Don't you want to develop?" Cursing his lips, Yu Yingze flicked Yu Yuanyuan's brains, "Shen Ji's condition, but someone will marry him in a flash, and then you will have no chance. "

"Yingze, don't scare Yuanyuan." Yu Mingxi, who was sitting across from her, had a rare expression on his face.

Now Yu Yingze is not afraid of anything, only his brother.

As long as my brother's face darkened, it meant that he was going to get angry, and Yu Yingze immediately shut up.

"Yuanyuan, don't be intimidated by the second brother's words, we still follow the agreed plan."

"I heard the plan just now," Yu Yingze asked with interest, "What is the plan? Brother, please explain clearly!"

In fact, Yu Yuanyuan also had no idea, she wanted to ask, but her brother seemed to be deliberately unwilling to say more.

As soon as the second elder brother opened his mouth, Yu Yuanyuan immediately held his breath, as if hoping that the second elder brother would let his elder brother let go and explain clearly.

"Secrets must not be leaked. If you want Yuanyuan to be well, don't ask too many questions."

"Cut~~ It's too close!" Yu Yingze leaned back in disappointment, shaking his head.

Yu Yuanyuan didn't wait for an answer, and was also a little disappointed.

"However, Yuanyuan, you just have to trust brother, he is so smart, he will definitely help you." The broad arm was put on her shoulder, and the heavy feeling made Yu Yuanyuan's restless heart drop.

Even though the second elder brother seemed unreliable except for work, Yu Yuanyuan still felt his support at this moment.

Even if this matter fails one day, when she recalls it, she will still be moved by this moment.

"Fortunately, it's Shen Ji," Yu Yingze leaned back on the chair without knowing what he thought of, "Yesterday I heard Gu Beiyan say that you might like a cook... Fortunately, it's not, Shen Ji is much more reliable than a cook, round Yuan, I support you!"

cook? ? ?Gu Beiyan said it again? ?
"What? What cook?" Yu Mingxi who was drinking coffee was choked up, "What's going on here?"

"No! It's Beiyan talking nonsense!" Yu Yuanyuan waved her hands quickly, desperately trying to explain to herself.

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