The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1889 Not a Girlfriend

Facing unfounded news, Yu Mingxi rationally told himself that he should trust Yu Yuanyuan.

But the news that Yu Yingze broke out suddenly surprised him.

Shouldn't there be some inside story?

Yu Yuanyuan: "..." It's time to find this big mouth PK!
Didn't she just add the chef's contact information?
It is also for the opportunity to make an appointment next time, and to know the news of his new dishes as soon as possible!
This unresolved matter was actually rumored by Gu Beiyan that she fell in love with a cook! ! !
When there is time, Yu Yuanyuan must ask Gu Beiyan out and blackmail him!
"In this way, I feel at ease," Yu Yingze breathed a long sigh of relief, "I heard him say that yesterday, and he was very convincing, and I was also very worried that Yuanyuan would really find a chef to come home... When the time comes, dad What to do if you are sick."

"You mean, if it's Shen Ji who comes home, dad will be satisfied?" asked Yu Mingxi, who was holding a chuckle at the corner of his mouth.

"I can't guarantee this, but compared to Chef and Shen Ji, Dad must be 100 million times more satisfied with Shen Ji."

Are you satisfied with brother Shen Ji a million times...

The words between the jokes made Yu Yuanyuan's heart skip a beat.

In fact, Yu Yuanyuan was also very afraid that Baba would know her feelings. She couldn't say why, but she was worried that Baba would disapprove of this matter, and she was also afraid that there would be conflicts between brother Shen Ji and Baba.

Ever since Shen Ji took over the affairs of the Shen family, he has been in touch with Yu Jinxiao in business.

It is said that Shen Ji is very shrewd and no one can calculate him.

Every time he cooperates, he is very cautious and will never allow anyone to easily take advantage of him.

But the cooperation between him and Yu Jinxiao seems to be in a different style.

He reviewed other people's contracts N times, but cooperated with Yu Jinxiao and accepted the verbal promise.

This point has also been nagged by Shen Zhuoya.

The answer Shen Ji gave was: "I know Mr. Yu's character very well. Since I am in charge of the company's affairs now, please don't interrupt or meddle."

Sometimes Shen Juya doubts who is his father!
It's heartbreaking to have such a good and trustworthy attitude towards his father, and treat him as a father who is not big or small.

"I still have something to do, I'm leaving first, Yingze, you can send Yuanyuan back." Yu Mingxi got up and signaled the waiter to pay the bill, and glanced at his phone from time to time, as if he had an appointment with someone.

Yu Yuanyuan immediately put on sunglasses and a hat, pretending that she and Yu Yingze were at the end.

The family came to eat today, Yu Mingxi didn't drive, he purposely watched Yu Yingze and Yu Yuanyuan get into the car and left by the side of the road before making a call.

"Shen Ji, are you free now?"

The voice on the other end of the phone responded quickly: "I'm free, what's the matter? What's the matter?"

"It's okay if it's inconvenient today," Yu Mingxi said with a smile, "Just now I went to the restaurant for dinner and saw you sitting with a girl, and suddenly realized that we haven't seen each other for a long time, and I didn't even know you had a girlfriend. "

Shen Ji was stunned, and immediately replied: "It's not a girlfriend, it's a friend introduced by my father."

"Blind date?"

As if guessed right by Yu Mingxi, Shen Ji sighed on the phone: "Well, but I already found an excuse to leave, do you want to come out for a gathering?"

It seems that to Shen Ji, chatting with Yu Mingxi is more interesting than chatting with that girl.

"Well, I'll send you the address."

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