The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1893 Quick!Save people!

Chapter 1893 Quick!Save people!
Yu Yuanyuan shivered suddenly, followed by a big yawn.

"Wow... Yuanyuan, you look so sleepy," Wang Xiaobao waved his hand, "I'll go buy you coffee right away, your state is too worrying."

"Ah? Oh..." Huo Hu echoed, and when Yu Yuanyuan turned her head, Wang Xiaobao had already run away.

"Everyone get ready, the shooting will start right away!" The director's loudspeaker blasted the shooting scene.

Yu Yuanyuan shook her head vigorously, then squatted down on the spot a few more times, the blood began to flow, and her brain finally became clear.

"Yuanyuan, are you ready?"


As soon as she started filming, Yu Yuanyuan seemed to have been turned on by a special switch, and immediately became focused and serious.

Today's scene is a blasting scene.

The crew has already set up a short building with props, and as long as the blasting switch is pressed, a very exciting scene will be exploded.

And Yu Yuanyuan will also jump out of the danger zone at the moment of explosion.

This shot will capture the face, there is no way to use a double, Yu Yuanyuan has to go into battle in person.

In order to ensure the shooting effect, the crew set up the same shop in two film and television bases with similar backgrounds.

There are two shooting opportunities.

According to Yu Yuanyuan's success rate in filming, there should be no need for a second time.

Although this shooting is dangerous, as long as you jump out of the dangerous range, you can be safe.

I've practiced it several times before, and it went well every time.

After changing clothes and putting on make-up, Yu Yuanyuan stood in front of the "store" built in a handsome bunt.

The director ordered her to run, and the bomb would explode at the same time when the switch was pressed.

The shots are exciting and thrilling.

Yu Yuanyuan has shot this kind of scene many times, and every time before the official shooting, she will use the simulated scene to practice.

To her, it's just a small thing.

"Get ready—" the director raised the loudspeaker, "action!"

After saying that, Yu Yuanyuan ran away, but only five or six steps away from the blasting range.

After entering the play, Yu Yuanyuan must show her disdain for explosions and her coldness. She must keep her eyes forward and not cringe to look at the ground.

The fast-stepping foot suddenly stepped on a rope, and the rope suddenly wrapped around his leg as if it had come to life.

The external force completely disrupted Yu Yuanyuan's running pace. Before she could take two steps, the explosion sounded behind her.

The storefront several meters high exploded and shattered according to the original plan, pressing down towards Yu Yuanyuan like a mountain.

Wang Xiaobao, who had just bought coffee, happened to see this scene, and the coffee in his hand fell to the ground in fright.

The shooting was not originally set like this!Absolutely not!

Wang Xiaobao is a stand-in for the crew and also an action director. She designed how Yu Yuanyuan ran and moved in this scene.

If the director makes any changes, he will never overthrow the original filming method all of a sudden, there is only one possibility——

There was an accident!
"Quick! Save people!" The director's face turned pale, his legs were so weak that he almost couldn't stand up.

"Yuanyuan!" Wang Xiaobao's eyes were sour, but his hoarse shout did not bring back the lovely voice that always responded to her in the past.

There was chaos now, and many people ran towards the scene of the accident. The smoke and dust caused by the explosion were still floating in the air and failed to settle.

But just when Wang Xiaobao was about to step forward to help, a more anxious and tense figure suddenly appeared behind her, and went straight towards the sparking scene without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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