The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1894 I want to see you

Chapter 1894 I want to see you
Yu Yuanyuan, who was buried under a pile of rubble, went blank for a moment, and soon regained consciousness.

The surrounding noise sounded serious, and she realized that she was actually buried in the darkness by a pile of explosion fragments.

As if her brain was belatedly aware, Yu Yuanyuan tried to move her limbs——

I can move my hands and feet, and I seem to be able to move anywhere without being hit.

There was no severe pain on her body, but the air around her was choking, which made her throat and airway hurt as if they were being rubbed by something.

There was a clattering sound outside, as if someone was lifting the things buried on her body.

Very quickly, the huge wall was moved away by a joint effort, revealing a hole.

Yu Yuanyuan seemed to be a pearl buried in a sea shell, curled up inside intact, except for the dirty dust, there was no red blood on her body.

"Yuanyuan!" Against the light, Yu Yuanyuan felt that she heard Shen Ji's brother's voice.

Was she hallucinating from being frightened?How could there be brother Shen Ji's voice?
A powerful big hand wrapped around her waist, and firmly carried her out of the ruins.

It's just that she didn't see the sun for a short while, and Yu Yuanyuan felt her eyes hurt a little, so she subconsciously burrowed into that embrace.

The person holding her seemed startled, and suddenly hugged her even tighter: "Yuanyuan, is there any pain? Is there any discomfort? Tell me, even if it's just a little uncomfortable." was Shen Ji's brother's voice!
Yu Yuanyuan couldn't believe it, and almost instinctively placed her arms on the broad shoulders in front of her eyes.

Seeming to have received some kind of signal, Yu Yuanyuan obviously felt that the person holding her increased his strength, as if afraid that she would disappear suddenly.

The place was suddenly quiet.

Compared with the noise and panic just now, the silence now made Yu Yuanyuan's heart tremble even more.

The people who were rushing to rescue her all stopped, and countless pairs of surprised eyes were looking at her.

Probably no one expected a person to rush out suddenly and hug Yu Yuanyuan tightly, but she didn't resist, but responded to his hug instead.

After a few minutes, Yu Yuanyuan felt that she was a little suffocated by being hooped, and couldn't help coughing lightly.

Only then did he relax a little while holding her arms, and helped her to sit on the chair next to her.

It wasn't until this moment that Yu Yuanyuan really saw clearly that the person holding her just now was really Shen Ji.

"Brother Shen Ji... why are you here?" Yu Yuanyuan stammered to find a topic.

The incident happened so suddenly, she felt that being buried in the ruins was nothing serious, but seeing Shen Ji suddenly made her heart beat faster.

She deliberately didn't answer the phone yesterday, and she only replied one text message, no more than five words.

This sudden change of attitude made Yu Yuanyuan feel guilty.

"I want to see you." Shen Ji replied without hesitation, with a directness and openness that she had never seen before.

The elder brother Shen Ji in my impression seems to be gentle and refined all the time, even when he speaks, he can choose his words carefully, and he speaks neither fast nor slow.

But the simple four words just now seemed to be Shen Ji's sincere words without any hesitation after shedding his disguise.

Yu Yuanyuan wanted to say something, but her eyes were attracted by a dazzling blood red.

Brother Shen Ji's beautiful hands were covered with bright red blood, mixed with a lot of dust and dirt.

But he didn't seem to care at all, his eyes were only looking at the girl in front of him nervously and intently.

"Brother Shen Ji, you are hurt!!!" Yu Yuanyuan wanted to hold his hand, but she was afraid of hurting him, so she could only hold his wrist carefully with trembling palms.

(End of this chapter)

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