The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1898 The boyfriend and girlfriend in dating

Not long after, he felt his shoulders were stained with warm tears.

"Yuanyuan..." Shen Ji put his hand on her shoulder lightly, his voice trembling in disbelief.

If it was a refusal, Yu Yuanyuan would never react like this, it must be...

The palm that was still held stiff suddenly gained weight.

A soft hand was placed in Shen Ji's palm that was protruded just now.

"Brother Shen Ji, I like you too!" Yu Yuanyuan cried until her face was blurred, "I... I thought you wouldn't like me."

Shen Ji didn't speak, and buried his head in gently kissing her hair, hugging her harder and harder.


A horn outside the car broke the quiet atmosphere of the two.

Yu Yuanyuan's cheeks were burning red, and she quickly let go of her embrace to look outside the car.

It turned out that it wasn't discovered by an acquaintance, it was just a car passing by.

"Did the incident with the crew scare you today?" Shen Ji's slender fingertips finally warmed up, and he gently brushed away the strands of hair that were scattered on her forehead, "I'll take you home to rest."

Yu Yuanyuan nodded, then picked up the phone, and found that the director had sent her a message telling her not to go there today, but to go home and rest for a day.

The scene still needs to be cleaned up and re-arranged, and the shooting progress will be put on hold for the time being.

Moreover, such a serious accident happened, the director would have the nerve to ask Yu Yuanyuan to go back to filming, the rest should be given.

The car slowly drove out of the quiet parking lot, even though it was noisy outside, Yu Yuanyuan could still hear her own heartbeat clearly.

She kept reminiscing about everything just now, and she couldn't believe it until now.

She and brother Shen Ji...are they dating now?

"Yuanyuan, I'll take you to change your clothes. It's easy to scare Mr. Yu when you go back like this." The moment Yu Yuanyuan was distracted, Shen Ji's voice pulled her back.

Yu Yuanyuan lowered her head, only to realize that she was still wearing a dirty costume, the dust on it was difficult to clean, and something bad happened at a glance.

Going back at this time, if Aunt Chen saw it, she might tell Baba.

"En." Yu Yuanyuan replied sullenly, she still doesn't know what kind of mood she should use to face Shen Ji after dating.

The car slowly drove into the parking lot. This is the high-end club that Shen Ji brought her to before. He is a black gold member, and there is a room on the high-rise ready for him at any time.

Sometimes when he doesn't want to go home, is tired, and wants to be quiet, Shen Ji will come here occasionally, and Yu Yuanyuan often comes here to accompany him to relieve boredom.

The food here is delicious, and Yu Yuanyuan never forgets it.

But today is different from the past. Their relationship is not the same as before. In such a closed and solitary space, it is inevitable that they can't help but think too much.

As soon as Yu Yuanyuan arrived in the room, a waiter brought clean bath towels, new shower gel, shampoo, body lotion and so on.

There is everything in a big box, and the details are considered to the extreme.

"Yuanyuan, wash it first, I've sent someone to bring the clothes over." Shen Ji walked to the French window, and sat on the boss chair he was used to.

"Aww~" Yu Yuanyuan nodded, and ran into the bathroom with her things in her arms.

If it was before, she wouldn't think too much, let alone feel uncomfortable.

But today is different!

They are dating boyfriend and girlfriend!

Thinking that Shen Ji would bring her clothes to the door later, Yu Yuanyuan's cheeks turned red, and she felt a little dizzy.

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