The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1899 A Date Invitation

Chapter 1899 A Date Invitation

By the way, she has to turn on the water first.

If there was no sound for a long time, brother Shen Ji might knock on the door!

Yu Yuanyuan unscrewed the shower, slowly patted the dirty things on her body, and combed the dust and impurities from her hair with a comb.

After she finished taking a shower, the moment the sound of water stopped, there was a knock on the bathroom door.

"Yuanyuan, the change of clothes is here." There was a rustle on the door, and Shen Ji's voice sounded again, "I hung the bag on the door."


Sticking it on the door and listening for a while, after confirming that there was no sound, Yu Yuanyuan immediately opened the door and took in the bag hanging on the handle.

She just looked at it and knew that the size of the dress was very suitable. It was a light blue dress, which was similar in style to the clothes she usually wore.

The huge LOGO on the handbag looks like a luxury brand that Ma Ma often gave her.

Is it a coincidence?Or will brother Shen Ji really remember these details?

She has never had much demand for clothes. Since she grew up, Yu Yuanyuan's preferences are not far from He Yitong's, and the brands they often buy are also similar.

Didn't expect brother Shen Ji to know this?

Yu Yuanyuan hugged her clothes and couldn't control her thoughts and flew around.

outside the bathroom.

On the table are Yu Yuanyuan's mobile phone and her handbag.

Shen Ji's eyes lost the composure he had just now, and he quietly stared at the mobile phone on the table, as if he was staring at her.

Was the answer in the car just now serious?

Or Yuanyuan's impulse?

Shen Ji didn't expect that his suppressed and cautiously waiting feelings would be so logical.

From childhood to adulthood, he has seen all kinds of darkness in the abyss, but it turned out that God really let him touch the little sun that warmed him.

"Ding dong!"

The mobile phone on the table suddenly lights up, interrupting Shen Ji's self-doubt.

He didn't want to look at Yu Yuanyuan's phone interface, but the flashing message was clearly a message, and the sender was the chef of the ring restaurant!
Thunder rang deep in the heart.

Even Shen Ji didn't know when they added Weixin, did they still have contact in private?
Thinking of what Yu Yuanyuan said before, Shen Ji took another look at the message that popped up on the screen.

"The sixth dish has already taken shape. Are you interested in trying it? You are the first to taste it."

Isn't this an invitation to a date? ? ?
The other party seems to have firmly grasped Yu Yuanyuan's "weakness" and asked her out with "eating", creating a "date" in a fair and square way.

A shadow flickered in Shen Ji's eyes, and he glanced at the bathroom from the corner of his eye, and silently picked up Yu Yuanyuan's cell phone.

Shen Ji always knew the password of her mobile phone, but he never needed to unlock her mobile phone.

But today's situation is special, he must kill any possibility of destroying their relationship in the cradle.

Shen Ji unlocked the phone and opened the message.

They didn't talk about anything in the dialog box, they just added friends, Yu Yuanyuan said a few words of greeting and emoticons.

Not as often as he thought.

"Yuanyuan is busy." Shen Ji replied the message in the tone of others.

The other side replied almost instantly: "You are?"

Shen Ji put down Yu Yuanyuan's phone, used his phone to call up the chef's contact information, and sent a two-character text message: "It's me."

There was a long silence on the other side, and the words "typing" kept appearing and disappearing.

Finally, there finally replied: "Understood."

There are some things that don’t need to be said too clearly, and those who understand will naturally understand.

The chef will not offend Shen Ji, who is an absolute threat.

When Yu Yuanyuan, who had already changed her clothes, came out, she saw Shen Ji holding her mobile phone at a glance: "Brother Shen Ji?"

(End of this chapter)

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