The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1900 Twist her loose hair

Her hair was half-blown and hung wet on her shoulders.

Shen Ji's brows and eyes were extremely calm, and he turned the phone in one fell swoop: "I have a message for you, and I will answer it for you."

Taking the mobile phone, Yu Yuanyuan glanced at the news about Shen Ji and the chef, everything is normal, there is nothing wrong.

This silent threat left no trace.

Shen Ji didn't need to delete any chat records, and Yu Yuanyuan couldn't tell anything from the messages he helped reply.

"Okay, okay, when is it?" Shen Ji saw Yu Yuanyuan agreed to the invitation from the corner of his eye.

If he hadn't found this text message, the chef would have asked her to meet in private, right?

Use food to win over Yuanyuan's heart!

"Sorry, it still takes a little time to prepare, and we will make a decision when it is ready." The other party suddenly changed his original rhetoric.

Shen Ji knew why, and the chef also knew that he had no second choice.

"Okay~" After replying the message, Yu Yuanyuan's face was still a little bit disappointed.

When she thought that she would almost be able to eat the chef's new dishes, she almost jumped up excitedly just now, but she didn't expect that her hopes would be dashed so soon.

"What's the matter? Want to eat?" Shen Ji didn't want her to have private contact with the chef, but seeing her disappointed look, he actually wanted her wish to come true.

Because of Yu Yuanyuan, he seemed to be a huge contradiction.

Even Shen Ji didn't know what he wanted.

Yu Yuanyuan stared at the phone, but she felt a sour grievance when she heard the voice next to her ear.

She tried her best to look at it from the corner of her eye, but she could only see Shen Ji's heart, but couldn't observe his expression.

"Ahem," Yu Yuanyuan cleared her throat, put the phone away, "It's okay~"

In fact, as long as she said a word, Shen Ji was willing to arrange everything for her.

Even if he wants to be on pins and needles because of her meeting with the chef, he is willing to be in an infinite cycle of anxiety, and he is not willing to let Yu Yuanyuan have the slightest regret and unhappiness.

"If I'm the only one going, brother Shen Ji won't be able to taste it~ It doesn't matter if you don't go~"

Shen Ji could tell that Yu Yuanyuan's words were not comforting, it was precisely because he was familiar with her that he could read every word and every little detail of Yu Yuanyuan very thoroughly.

At an angle that Yu Yuanyuan couldn't see, Shen Ji pulled the corner of his mouth and smiled, and gently twitched her loose hair with his fingers.

"Why don't you blow dry your hair? It's easy to catch a cold."

Yu Yuanyuan shrugged her shoulders, sat down on the chair and complained: "It's tiring to hold the hair dryer for so long, and it's not cold recently, so you won't catch a cold if you don't do too much dryness."

Unlike her hairy head when she was a child, Yu Yuanyuan's hair now has considerable volume, and some are naturally slightly curly. Every time she washes her hair, she has to blow dry it for a long time before it can be completely dried.

Yu Yuanyuan lay on the table and responded to the news. Somehow, the news about the crew reached Gu Beiyan, so that Chu Qi and Wen Zifei also knew about it.

Many messages of greetings were queued up one by one, and she had to report to them that they were safe.

Shen Ji didn't disturb Yu Yuanyuan's relaxing movements, went to the bathroom and took out the hair dryer, plugged in the electricity, and gently peeled Yu Yuanyuan's hair.

Soft and smooth, like the finest silk.

Sensing Shen Ji flicking her hair behind her, Yu Yuanyuan guessed something, and just about to say "no", the rumbling voice covered up her soft words.

I have to say that the feeling of being blown by someone else is really comfortable.

Shen Ji's movements were very gentle and careful, the slight itchiness on the scalp made Yu Yuanyuan's whole body muscles relax and numb, and she didn't even know when she fell asleep.

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