The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1902 In vain I have always trusted you so much

Chapter 1902 In vain I have always trusted you so much

"Of course, as long as Yuanyuan is willing, she can tell anyone." For Shen Ji, he wished to tell the world directly, so that other people who coveted Yu Yuanyuan would give up their hearts from now on.

The moment they established their relationship, it was a one-way street for his feelings.

Shen Ji would not allow anyone to destroy his relationship with Yuanyuan, and there was only one result.

"Hey, that's great!" Yu Yuanyuan rolled her eyes happily, shook her palm at him, opened the door and got out of the car.

When she entered the yard, she was still jumping up and down, waving her arms vigorously, reluctant to leave.

Shen Ji kept watching her in the yard until she entered the villa, and her face could not be seen from the downstairs window before restarting the car.

Just about to turn back, the phone rang suddenly.

In the small space, the sound of the call had a strange sense of death.

Shen Ji didn't go to get the phone right away, his eyes first glanced at the caller's name, his eyes froze, he quickly picked up the phone and connected it.

"Mr. Yu?"

"I saw it all upstairs." A sinister voice came from the phone.

Turning his head out of the car window, Shen Ji saw a dark figure standing beside the floor-to-ceiling windows of the study on the second floor.

There was no light in the room, so I could barely see someone by the window, probably... the position of the eyes, which seemed to reflect a sharp cold light.

"Mr. Yu, Yuanyuan and I officially started dating today." Now that Yu Jinxiao has seen everything, Shen Ji doesn't want to say any more explanations and concealments, "If Mr. Yu wants to know or ask anything, we can talk about it in private , before Yuanyuan officially informs, can you not bother her?"

Shen Ji, who talks to Yu Jinxiao, is always respectful and polite.

Since childhood, Yu Jinxiao has always held a very important position in Shen Ji's heart.

He is not only Yu Yuanyuan's father, but also the one who made him feel like a father for the first time.

In the following days, Mr. Yu gave him a lot of help, and Shen Ji appreciated and respected him from the bottom of his heart.

"Okay, let's talk right away." Yu Jinxiao was silent on the phone for a while, and then sent an address, "Go here and wait for me."

The phone hangs up.

Yu Jinxiao's voice sounded very bad, as if he was about to tear Shen Ji apart.

It seems that what I saw upstairs just now should not be just a simple intimacy, but also him kissing her forehead.

If they were just friends, they would never do such a thing.

Shen Ji turned the car around and arrived at the address given by Yu Jinxiao ahead of time to wait.

About 10 minutes later, Yu Jinxiao, who came with an air-conditioned body, glared at him, his eyes seemed to be able to open a few holes in Shen Ji's body.

The entire floor has been cleared by Shen Ji, no one will hear and interfere with their conversation.

Before that, Shen Ji ordered Yu Jinxiao his favorite coffee in advance.

"When did you start dating Yuanyuan!" Yu Jinxiao pulled out the chair and sat down, picked up the coffee, and smelled the familiar aroma before it was brought to his mouth.

Surprise flashed across his eyes, he didn't expect Shen Ji to know his own preference, and ordered his usual drink in advance.

Although, he is not in the mood to drink anything now.


"to be frank!"

"It's really today, I didn't lie." Shen Ji sat opposite Yu Jinxiao, neither humble nor overbearing, and he didn't put on a servile attitude just because he was Yu Yuanyuan's father.

"Shen Ji, I've always trusted you in vain, yet you attacked Yuanyuan!" Yu Jinxiao gritted his teeth and looked at him, as if waiting for Shen Ji to come up with an explanation.

(End of this chapter)

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