The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1903 I Disagree

Chapter 1903 I Disagree
"Mr. Yu, I am very serious about dating Yuanyuan." Shen Ji sat upright, as if he was doing something serious and prudent to him, "When I realized that I liked her and couldn't live without her, I always I'm restraining my feelings. I don't want to embarrass her and make wrong choices because of my friendship with her for many years."

Yu Jinxiao didn't speak, and listened quietly to his explanation with a sullen face.

"It's a very good time today. Let's open our hearts and know each other's feelings before we can formally start dating." Shen Ji didn't beg him to agree, but just said what was in his heart, "I'm serious about dating Yuanyuan. , on the premise of marriage."

"Have you finished?" Yu Jinxiao's eyes became darker and colder, "I don't agree!"

"Why? What concerns does Mr. Yu have? Or am I not doing well enough?"

"You are older than Yuanyuan! Besides, you grew up together...I never thought that you would be with her in this way."

Even though Yu Jinxiao's denial was extremely firm, Shen Ji did not show any tension or worry from the beginning to the end.

His eyes were unbiased, even though the person sitting opposite was Yu Jinxiao who was feared by everyone, Shen Ji never showed the slightest expression of fear.

"That's right, I'm older than Yuanyuan, but I don't think being old is such an insurmountable shortcoming; secondly, as Mr. Yu said, Yuanyuan and I grew up together. Mr. Yu knows me very well. Yuanyuan also has a foundation of love that has been cultivated since she was a child, doesn't this prove that Yuanyuan and I are destined by fate?"

Shen Ji spoke clearly and logically, and Yu Jinxiao was convinced by him for a moment.

But the relationship that has been going on for a long time has undergone a drastic change, and Yu Jinxiao couldn't accept it right away.

Even though Shen Ji's words were reasonable, there was still something heavy in his heart, and his whole body felt as uncomfortable as an ant bite.

"Anyway, I don't agree." Yu Jinxiao said every word.

At this time, Yu Yuanyuan, who was happily playing with her mobile phone at Yu's house, was typing text on her small group interface with Chu Qi, Gu Beiyan, and Wen Zifei.

As soon as she got home, Yu Yuanyuan rushed upstairs in a hurry, lay on the window and watched Shen Ji's brother's car leave, and then lay back on the bed to savor the memory.

The person I like also likes me, this is simply the happiest thing.

"Everyone! Brother Shen Ji and I are together!" After writing too many "notifications", Yu Yuanyuan deleted and re-entered, and finally decided to use the simplest sentence.

Wen Zifei was the first to reply: Wait, which one is together?
"We're officially dating! Brother Shen Ji is now my male ticket!" After typing these papers, Yu Yuanyuan held the phone "hehehe" and giggled.

"Fuck! Yuanyuan! Why is it so sudden?" Gu Beiyan, who is always on the front line of eating melons, posted a shocked emoji of being struck by lightning.

Yu Yuanyuan read one message after another, and was about to reply when she suddenly saw a photo.

The photo seemed to be taken secretly, and the person who sent it was Chu Qi.

"My friend secretly filmed..."

The people in the photo are Yu Jinxiao and Shen Ji, they are sitting face to face, only Yu Jinxiao's expression can be seen in the photo, it looks like someone who wants to kill someone.

Yu Yuanyuan sat up from the bed at once, Shen Ji's fingers in the photo were still bandaged, thinking that this photo was taken secretly today.

But she just got home, could it be...

Yu Yuanyuan, who turned over from the bed, walked all the way from Yu Jinxiao's bedroom to the study with her slippers on——

no one!

"Miss Yuanyuan, are you looking for Mr. Yu? He just went out." Aunt Chen came out from the kitchen, wiping her hands slowly.

"When did you go out?!"

"Just half an hour ago."

Wasn't this photo taken secretly just now!Why did Baba meet Shen Ji's brother suddenly? Was their relationship exposed? !

(End of this chapter)

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