The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1904 Yuanyuan is more important than my life

Yu Yuanyuan quickly grabbed her handbag, put on her shoes and ran outside, not even having time to tie her shoelaces.

After getting a taxi on the road outside, she sent a message to Chu Qi, "Qi Qi, where was the photo taken?"

Chu Qi thoughtfully sent a location directly, without even needing Yu Yuanyuan to search by herself.

She knew that Yu Yuanyuan would definitely rush over.

I heard from a friend that the younger man came first, and the entire floor was cleared, and even the staff were not allowed to disturb casually.

Not long after, an older man arrived, looking aggressive as if he wanted to kill someone.

After seeing the news of Yu Yuanyuan's public relationship with Shen Ji, Chu Qi almost guessed what happened.

On the way there, Yu Yuanyuan thought a lot.

She even imagined the scene of Shen Ji and Ba Ba fighting.

Then... who should she help then? ?
Yu Yuanyuan's head was buzzing. When she got out of the car, she took the elevator up to the top floor, and as soon as she entered, she saw Yu Jinxiao's palm covering the mouth of the cup.

This gesture is not quite right, is Baba going to hit brother Shen Ji?
"Puba—" Yu Yuanyuan knelt down and grabbed Yu Jinxiao's arm suddenly, like a little sloth hanging from a tree.

"Why are you here?" Frowning, Yu Jinxiao quietly glanced at Shen Ji's direction, as if suspecting that he was telling the truth.

"Brother Shen Ji didn't tell me, it was Qiqi's friend who told me." Yu Yuanyuan stood up and patted her pants leg, pressing the back of Yu Jinxiao's hand with her palm to prevent him from grabbing the coffee cup, "Baba, Do you agree with me being with Brother Shen Ji?"

Baba definitely knew everything, and Yu Yuanyuan didn't want to try to be tactful, so he might as well take this opportunity to explain clearly.

"I! No! Agree! I agree!" Yu Yuanyuan couldn't hear clearly, so Yu Jinxiao simply repeated his attitude word by word.

"Why!!" In fact, Yu Yuanyuan thought that Baba would not accept it so quickly, but she did not expect that Baba's reaction would be so strong.

Brother Shen Ji is so outstanding, and they grew up together, there is no reason why they would be so strongly opposed!
"..." Yu Jinxiao didn't know how to answer.

No matter what reason he said, this little glutinous rice ball will definitely find something to refute, what he said is meaningless.

Especially using the issue of age to suppress people seems to be even more useless, even he was a little persuaded by Shen Ji.

"Baba, I encountered a little situation this morning." Yu Yuanyuan thought for a while, but decided to tell him, "There was a problem with the explosion on the set, and I was buried under a pile of rubble."

"What?!" Yu Jinxiao stood up suddenly, holding her arm nervously, "Are you injured?"

"I'm fine, but brother Shen Ji..." After finishing speaking, Yu Yuanyuan gently grabbed Shen Ji's wrist, and drew Yu Jinxiao's gaze to the bandaged hands.

Yu Jinxiao had noticed Shen Ji's hand a long time ago, but he didn't expect all of this to be related to Yuanyuan.

In the gaps of those bandages, Yu Jinxiao still saw the old scar.

It was also left behind by Shen Ji saving Yu Yuanyuan.

Even when he was still a child, Shen Ji was protecting Yuanyuan regardless of his body.

Every time Yuanyuan was in danger, he desperately tried to save her.

Seeing that Yu Jinxiao was silent, Shen Ji knew that Yu Jinxiao was moved again, so he added solemnly: "Mr. Yu, I swear with my life that I will take good care of Yuanyuan, protect her, and make her happy, Yuanyuan More important than my life."

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