The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 20 Where You Should Go

Chapter 20 Back to Where You Should Go


Yu Jinxiao wanted to laugh, but because of Yu Yuanyuan's serious atmosphere, he tried his best not to smile.

Where is the hand raised in the air? What kind of sharp claws are there? It's almost like steamed buns just out of the oven.

The nails should be carefully trimmed and cut round. The nails are as round as the name suggests.

It's not called sharp claws, it's called fat claws.

It's the kind of fat claws that would be caught pinching the pads on a cat.

"Then what? Just the sharp claws... gone?" Yu Jinxiao was aroused by her curiosity, wanting to know what else this brat could come up with.

"Aww," Yu Yuanyuan tried her best to open her mouth wide, tried her best to act fierce, and tried her best to make her voice sound low and terrifying, "Yuanyuan still has sharp teeth, which can bite monsters!"

With your small mouth, it's useless to try hard. If you eat a small dried fish, you have to divide it into 10 bites. Who can you scare?

"Go to sleep," Yu Jinxiao glanced at the drowsy little head on the table, lifted him into his arms, and walked out holding him stiffly, "I only know that some children don't sleep well, I'll wake up with dark circles tomorrow morning."

"What are the dark circles under the eyes?" The voice in his arms was obviously so sleepy that he was about to fall asleep, but he still didn't forget his curiosity.

"It will turn black around your eyes."

"Dad, are you talking about giant pandas?"

"I'm talking about you."

"Yuanyuan is not a giant panda, but Yuanyuan is a meow."

Gently placing Yu Yuanyuan on the bed, Yu Jinxiao pulled the quilt to tuck her in, and suddenly a similar memory was triggered.

How long ago was the last time I covered my son with a quilt...?
Yu Jinxiao tried hard to think for a long time, but the outline that emerged in his mind turned out to be when Yu Mingxi was a few years old.

"Father..." Yu Yuanyuan, who was about to fall asleep, tried to open her eyes again, but her eyes were clearly on the verge of being sleepy, "You have to go to sleep obediently, Teacher Li said that there are many things in the world A lot, if you can't finish it today, you can do it tomorrow... Huh Huh."

The voice of the little milk bag became smaller and smaller, and in the end, the words rolled around like jujubes wrapped in his mouth.

Yu Jinxiao didn't understand what she said at the end, he only remembered that before she got sleepy, she murmured to remind him to go to bed early.

The little hand on the quilt grabs, grabs, grabs his fingers, and finally becomes quiet obediently.

Soft and warm, it wrapped around his slightly cold fingertips, transmitting the warm energy from the little milk bag.

As a strong man in any sense, Yu Jinxiao has never really felt the dependence of those around him.

Whether it's a wife, two sons or...

They all seemed to indulge and pamper him in unison, trying to turn themselves into people who didn't need him to worry about.

At this moment, the temperature coming from the fingertips made Yu Jinxiao really feel the feeling of being trusted and needed.

Doesn't seem bad.

"Father..." Yu Yuanyuan muttered dreamily, "Don't throw away Yuanyuan, don't throw away..."

The soft and waxy crying sound was like a splash of cold water, and the sudden coldness made Yu Jinxiao wake up.

He looked at his grasped fingertips, and slowly raised his gaze to the little lion doll resting on the pillow.

The memories sealed in the bottom of my heart broke through the calmness and swarmed out.

This little ordinary doll, like Pandora's box, suddenly threw Yu Jinxiao into the abyss of pain.

The originally calm eyes were filled with violent storms, cold, cruel, and irritable instantly filled his originally peaceful aura.

He pulled out the finger that was being held, and said in a low and indifferent voice, "Go back to where you should go tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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