The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 21 Scary Nightmare

Chapter 21 Scary Nightmare

The palm of his hand was suddenly empty, Yu Yuanyuan opened his eyes in a daze and looked, his father was gone.

She yawned and turned over, intending to find out where her father was... But as soon as she turned over, sleepiness hit her violently like a sea wave, and her eyelids closed heavily again.

Had a dream at night.

A very frightening nightmare.

Yu Yuanyuan dreamed that she was back in the orphanage again. Her father refused to take her home. She lived alone. Not long after, she saw her father being attacked by bad guys on the TV news. She was seriously injured and her fingers were missing. two.

The bad guys are also very cruel, hiding their fingers and deliberately making Dad miss the best time to pick them up.

But I waited until the time passed before I sent my finger back to my father.

There were pictures of bad guys on the TV news, and it was said that the guy who hurt Dad was a professional shark killer.

Yu Yuanyuan looked familiar, but couldn't remember who it was.

The feeling in the dream was so real, Yu Yuanyuan cried so much that the pillow was wet with tears.

She remembered what she overheard Ma Ma say in Wonderland.

If Dad dies in this world in this book, everything will start from scratch again, and the cycle will be repeated, and Dad will not be able to return to Wonderland.

The atmosphere in the dream was oppressive and sad, Yu Yuanyuan whimpered and cried, her little face wrinkled into a ball until...

The world shook.

No, it's not that the world is shaking, it's that someone is gently pushing her shoulder.

"Yuanyuan? What's wrong, Yuanyuan?"

It seems to be the voice of a big brother!

Yu Yuanyuan rubbed her eyes, she always felt that her sight today...was a bit thin!
Yuanyuan who just woke up couldn't see her own face, the way Yu Mingxi looked at her was really funny and heartbroken.

I don't know what kind of dream she had. Before she woke up, she cried miserably, woo woo ah, her little face was dirty from crying, the pillow was wet, and she let out a series of sad moans.

After waking her up, Yu Mingxi found that her eyelids were a little swollen, like a goldfish with big eyes on TV.

"Get up, let's go wash your face, shall we?" Yu Mingxi really wanted to ask her what she dreamed about, but she couldn't bear to touch the sad things in her dream, so she could only gently pat her on the back to comfort her.

Xiaozui yawned "Aww", Yu Yuanyuan was carried to the bathroom, and stared at herself in the mirror suddenly in a daze.

"Brother, round eyes!!!"

Yesterday she was a cute big-eyed and cute little milk bag, but today she has become a little goldfish, no wonder she was so surprised.

"It's okay, the swelling will subside later, shall we wash our face first?" Yu Mingxi soaked a clean towel with warm water, and gently wiped his tear-stained face.

Yu Yuanyuan observed it for a while, and stretched out her little hand: "Yuanyuan wipes it herself!"

"Will Yuanyuan still wash her face?" Yu Mingxi pretended to be surprised, her beautiful eyes curved into a smile.

"Not very good at it, but my brother is very tired holding Yuanyuan. Yuanyuan doesn't want to make my brother tired, so Yuanyuan washes it by herself." Saying that, the little guy grabbed the towel in his hand, imitating the big brother's movements, and grabbed it on his face Randomly wipe.

The disorganized movements are a bit clumsy, but it can be seen that she is studying hard, not like wiping her face with a towel, but more like her face is planted in the towel.

Yu Mingxi let her handle it by herself, waited for Yuanyuan to wash, praised her repeatedly and walked out with her in her arms.

The door of the room that was not closed was pushed open. Yu Jinxiao stood at the door with no expression on his face: "Already woke up? Go down to have breakfast, and leave after breakfast."

Set off……

Yu Mingxi suddenly remembered his plan last night—sending Yuanyuan back to the orphanage.

"Father..." Yu Mingxi wanted to say something, but when he opened his mouth, something seemed to choke his throat, making him suddenly silent.

Say what?

There seemed to be no need to say anything.

Yuanyuan just went back to where she belonged.

Yu Jinxiao lowered his gaze, turned and left.

Only Yu Yuanyuan couldn't figure out what the adults and friends were thinking, why they didn't look very happy after breakfast.

"Yuanyuan," Yu Mingxi carried her back to the bed, and put the little lion doll into her arms, "Brother gave this to you, can you take good care of it in the future?"

(End of this chapter)

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