The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 22 Welfare Homes

Chapter 22 Returning to the Orphanage
Yuanyuan happily hugged the doll tightly, and rubbed her face on it: "Yuanyuan will definitely take good care of it, and give it some delicious food!"

The sad emotions were blown away, and Yu Mingxi couldn't help laughing out following her cheerful tone.

The smell of breakfast wafted downstairs, Yu Yuanyuan hung on Yu Mingxi, swallowing her saliva.

I still couldn't keep my eyes open just now, but in order to see clearly what to eat downstairs, the magnification function has been automatically turned on.

"Wow, it smells so good, can these Yuanyuan be eaten?" Yu Yuanyuan pinched the doll, flattered and turned her little head to ask for confirmation.

Yu Mingxi put her on a special baby chair, and sat beside her to take care of her.

All this is like a habit buried in his bones. After all, Yu Yingze used to take care of his younger brother in this way when he was a child.

But Yuanyuan is much more obedient when eating than Yingze was when she was a child.

He is not picky about food, he can eat whatever he feeds, and he can use a spoon by himself.

She moves very slowly, scooping up a little food at a time, and slowly sending it to her mouth, like an elegant little princess.

"Master, why don't I feed you?" Aunt Chen stepped forward, "You have to go to school later."

There seemed to be something dark in Yu Mingxi's eyes, and he smiled with disappointment, "Okay."

Yu Mingxi, who was having breakfast, kept looking at Yuanyuan, and it seemed interesting to observe how she ate.

Xiao Naibao sat on the chair solemnly, with a bib that Yu Yingze used when he was a child tied around his heart.

She was eating, and she seemed to be completing some sacred and arduous task. She frowned slightly, and after scooping up the food with a spoon, she slowly raised her wrist and sent it to her mouth.

"Aww!" Yuanyuan ate with big mouthfuls and earnestly, Aunt Chen felt delicious even looking at it from the side.

"Wow, you can really eat." Yu Yingze curled his lips, feeling that the breakfast was not very appetizing.

"It's a paste (fu) if you can eat it!" Xiao Nai Bao emphasized.

Yu Yingze choked on the milk, thinking seriously: "Must? Sesame paste?"

"Auntie," Yu Yuanyuan who was eating suddenly stopped, and looked at Aunt Chen with black grape eyes, "It's hard for you to squat, why don't you sit on the stool with Yuanyuan?"

Aunt Chen was taken aback, her heart seemed to be hit by something, and an indescribably wonderful feeling flowed out.

This is the little angel who fell to the world, right? ? ?

With such a cute appearance and such a good personality, it's no wonder that Mr. Yu took her home for the first time.

"Thank you, little friend Yuanyuan," Aunt Chen smiled gently and patted her head, "Auntie is working now, so you can't sit still."

"Wow, do you have to stand up at work? Auntie is so hard." The childish voice sounded ridiculous, but Aunt Chen's heart was touched by something, and she suddenly felt a little sour on the tip of her nose.

She has been working in Yu's family for so many years and has been dedicated to her responsibilities, but no one has ever felt that she has worked hard.

Even her parents and son think this is what she deserves.

Yu Jiakai's conditions are very generous, and she tries her best to do her best.

But as long as you are human, you will get tired sometimes, and you hope to be respected and understood by others...

Unexpectedly, she would find comfort in the words of a little milk bag.

Aunt Chen knew that Mr. Yu would send Yuanyuan back to the orphanage after breakfast, so she hurriedly brought her some food, hoping that the cub would be full before going back.

"Hurp—Yuanyuan can't eat anymore," patted her satisfied stomach with her little hand, "It's so delicious!"

Yu Jinxiao put down the knife and fork, and glanced at her faintly: "Have you finished eating? Let's set off after eating."

"Where are you going?" Yuanyuan didn't know what she was about to face, she was shaking her calf happily.

A figure full of oppression has come in front of him: "Send you back to the orphanage."

Yu Yuanyuan: "???!"

(End of this chapter)

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