The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 23 Why is your mouth stuck again?

Chapter 23 Why is your mouth stuck again?
The little cub who was happy last second seemed to have been struck by lightning in the head, and his hand stopped on his stomach for an instant, and he was stunned.

Finally digesting Yu Jinxiao's words, Yu Yuanyuan yelled, "Don't meow—don't throw away Yuanyuan!"

"Okay, don't make trouble, you ran out of the orphanage, everyone is looking for you." His face was stern, but there was a bit of compromise in Yu Jinxiao's words.

He also didn't understand why he wanted to comfort the milk bag, and he was going to send her back to the orphanage later, and then he would be able to restore peace and not have so many troubles.

I brought her back last night, but I just wanted to test the situation on her again.

Yu Jinxiao has been able to reach the status he is today, he has seen all kinds of scenes, he has absolute doubts about any "abnormal" situation.

When he met Yu Yuanyuan at first, he thought that someone knew what happened to Yu's family and deliberately asked her to touch porcelain.

But Gao Zhou had already investigated, and the whole thing was completely a coincidence.

That being the case, Yu Yuanyuan should return to her original place.

"I don't, what if I &@...#%!...?" Yu Yuanyuan thought about the dream last night, if she left, her father would be injured in the future, and he would lose two fingers.

But when she opened her mouth to say something about the dream, her mouth seemed to be glued suddenly and she couldn't make a sound.

The small body sitting on the chair froze, and after a long time, he opened his mouth and tentatively let out a sound: "Meow?"

Hey, you can talk!

When Yu Yuanyuan thought about the content of the dream, she became anxious again: "*&...@%!%!"

Why is your mouth glued again! ! !

The others looked at Yu Yuanyuan competing with each other with bewildered faces.

Grinning his teeth for a while, twitching his facial muscles for a while, his little claws were still moving back and forth under his chin, as if he had a sudden convulsion.

Yu Jinxiao looked at her unmoved.

He knew it would not be so smooth, no matter what tricks she played today, he would not soften his heart.

After tossing and tossing for about five minutes, it was almost a century for Yu Yuanyuan, and she was so tired that she was almost exhausted.

When it's over, she can't tell her father about her dream, and then her father will...

"Are you ready? Okay, let's go." Yu Jinxiao walked up to the child seat with one hand in his pocket, and was about to grab her collar with his hand.

Yu Yuanyuan was extremely agile, she threw her neck back desperately, and shrank her round body so that he wouldn't let him catch her.

Humph, Yuanyuan is a nimble meow, she will never be caught easily!
"Bring her to the car with the chair and others." Yu Jinxiao dropped a cold order, and walked towards the gate with a handsome back.

Yu Yuanyuan's eyes were dull, and she even forgot to cry.

She staggered up, with a servant on the left and a servant on the right, carrying her directly to the gate like a sedan chair.

Gao Zhou had already parked the car at the door and waited, the tires were heavily pressed, and there seemed to be a lot of things in the trunk.

Yu Yuanyuan, who forgot to cry, was quickly mentioned by Yu Jinxiao, and she plugged her ears in the back seat.

"Let Yuanyuan out, &*%#¥!" The car door couldn't be opened, so Yu Yuanyuan could only grind and grind with her little claws desperately. She wanted to talk about the dream she had last night several times, but whenever she wanted to reveal and About the content, I suddenly couldn't open my mouth.

Woohoo, there must be a monster, it is the monster who forbids her to speak!

"Okay, let's go." Yu Jinxiao didn't want to be tortured, so he simply sat in the co-pilot, staring straight ahead indifferently.

Gao Zhou sighed softly, he knew it would be like this.

As soon as the car started, Yu Mingxi rushed out of the house panting: "Wait, wait!"

(End of this chapter)

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