The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 204 Yuanyuan is a good boy

Chapter 204 Yuanyuan is a good boy
Wen Zifei felt something float into his mouth, covered his mouth with a bluish face and poohed for a long time, spit out a stream of big black mosquitoes

Seeing that it was a mosquito, he felt bad all over, so he threw himself into the trash can next to him and vomited up.

The snatched biscuits and his own biscuits were all returned to the trash can.

Wen Zifei, with a pale face, was lying on the trash can, throwing up in the dark, and the other children didn't care so much, they couldn't stop laughing when they thought of the scene just now.

Gu Beiyan couldn't sit still from laughing, and the others were similar, even the cold-faced Chu Qi kept twitching the corners of her mouth, trying to maintain her aloofness.

Only the stupid Yu Yuanyuan didn't realize what happened.

She cried so much just now that her eyes were covered with tears and she didn't see anything.

It wasn't until he heard someone laughing that Xiao Zaizai wiped away his tears, and curiously followed their line of sight to see Wen Zifei vomiting on the trash can.

"Why is Fat Four?" The dumbfounded cub raised tears and wanted to know the answer in confusion.

Gu Beiyan laughed so hard that he patted her shoulder twice: "Hahahahaha, Yuanyuan, you did a beautiful job, it's amazing, hahahaha."

A series of laughter almost caused Gu Beiyan to roll under the chair, and looking at the others, they were all in the same state.

Xiao Zai Zai turned to look at Chu Qi, and it seemed that only Qi Qi looked more "normal".

"Qiqi, why are you so fat?" Yu Yuanyuan tugged at Chu Qi's cuff and asked, "Why are you all laughing?"

"Didn't you see it just now?" Chu Qi tried her best not to answer the question, as long as she spoke, she couldn't help but think of the picture of the mosquito being blown into Wen Zifei's mouth by Yu Yuanyuan by mistake.

Xiao Zai Zai shook his head and kept looking around, trying to find some answers.

"When you were crying just now, you blew the mosquito into Wen Zifei's mouth." Chu Qi was shaking all over, and it was too uncomfortable to hold back her laughter. "He ate the mosquito."

Wen Zifei finally regained his strength, holding the trash can and growling: "No, I didn't eat!!!"

"Wen Zi Fei eats mosquitoes, Wen Zi Fei eats mosquitoes..." A group of children ran out laughing, and more and more "rumors" sounded outside.

Wen Zifei, who was almost deformed by the air, wiped his mouth clean and jumped up, pointing his short arm at Yu Yuanyuan: "You wait for me!!!!"

After yelling, Wen Zifei fled in a whirlwind from his distressed back.

Yu Yuanyuan bit her finger in a daze: "Why did you make Yuanyuan wait, does he still want to eat mosquitoes?"

"Hahahahahaha..." Gu Beiyan laughed so hard on the bench again, "Yuanyuan, you are so bad."

"Yuanyuan is a good boy!" Xiao Zai Zai desperately waved his hands.

When Chu Qi looked at Yu Yuanyuan's appearance, she knew that she had no malicious intentions, she was just simple-minded and stupid, and even if she was bullied, she might not be able to find out that kind.

After another relaxing and interesting activity class, it was finally time for lunch, which Yu Yuanyuan cared about the most.

Each child was assigned their own customized small plate, and lined up to choose their favorite food.

After all, it is not an ordinary kindergarten, the food here is very rich, enough to open Yu Yuanyuan's eyes.

"Wow, there are so many delicious foods, so fragrant, so fragrant," Xiao Zaizai happily jumped on the spot with a small plate, "Yuanyuan wants to eat this, that one wants to eat, and this one too..."

Seeing her cuteness, the aunt who cooks rice has a smile on her face, and specially gave her a little more, and said with a smile that eating more will help her grow taller.

The happy little cub doesn't care about growing taller or not, she just wants to send the food to her warm stomach right away.

Turning around with a full plate, Yu Yuanyuan suddenly tripped under her feet. Yu Yuanyuan felt her body lost her balance, and her happy smile was replaced by a panicked one.

(End of this chapter)

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