The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 205 Yu Yuanyuan, You Scoundrel

Chapter 205 Yu Yuanyuan, You Scoundrel

Unable to stand still, Yu Yuanyuan tried her best to hold the plate in her hand, held her breath, sank to her dantian, and asked Ma Heyi...

Just when the food was flying into the air with inertia, she was still able to send the plate from bottom to top with a little strength of her own, and took the things back steadily.

The other children were afraid that they would be affected, so they scattered in panic, and the farther they escaped, the better.

A group of children huddled as far away as possible, admiring Yu Yuanyuan's difficult operation.

Xiao Zai Zai clearly swayed when he walked, but now his reaction was so quick that Gu Beiyan was dumbfounded and missed the opportunity to express himself.

The cub was suffocating, his cheeks were swollen, round like a little hamster hoarding food, his short hands tried to lift the plate up to prevent the food from dumping.

Even with all his strength, some soup inevitably spilled into the air.

Wen Zifei, who had just tripped over Yu Yuanyuan, watched a pile of soup float to the top of his head before he could stop it, splashing on his head like rain.

The air was quiet again.

It is obviously a cafeteria, but it is as quiet as a cemetery.

The children watching and the aunts and uncles distributing the meals all watched the exciting and thrilling scene motionlessly as if they had been acupunctured.

Wen Zifei, who was still smiling at the corner of his mouth, gradually stiffened his expression, his smile turned into a bitter look, his mouth twitched, and suddenly he burst into tears.

"Yu Yuanyuan, you scoundrel!!!" The mournful cry exploded in the cafeteria.

Wen Zifei dared not move with the soup on his head, angry and wronged in his heart, crying like a fountain in the square.

Teacher Su who rushed over when he heard the sound turned pale when he saw the scene, and quickly cleaned it up with a paper towel, and immediately wanted to take Wen Zifei to get rid of the dirty clothes.

Wen Zifei, who had never been bullied like this before, flung his hands away, pointed at Yu Yuanyuan angrily and complained: "Teacher, it was Yu Yuanyuan who did it. She threw vegetables at me."

Teacher Su looked down at the traces on the ground, it seemed...these things really came from the dinner plate in Yu Yuanyuan's hand.

Xiao Zai Zai's round fingers were still stained with some soup, which seemed to be convincing evidence.

Teacher Su was not in a hurry to make a conclusion, but first dealt with the soup on Wen Zifei's head, then pulled Yu Yuanyuan over and asked, "Yuanyuan, tell the teacher, what happened just now? Did you see Wen Zifei How did the kid become like this?"

"He... blocked Yuanyuan with his feet, but Yuanyuan didn't see it, and the plate flew up!" Yu Yuanyuan could see that Teacher Su's expression was very serious, as if his father was talking to her about business, and he automatically tightened his grip , "Yuanyuan caught the food well and didn't waste it."

While talking, Xiao Zai Zai anxiously looked at the things on the plate.

Seeing that a vegetable leaf was about to fall off the edge of the plate, Yu Yuanyuan immediately lifted it up, sucked it into her stomach, and stood upright again.

Teacher Su couldn't help but want to laugh, it could be seen that this little cub really wanted to eat...

"I didn't, she stepped on me by herself, and suddenly dumped my dirty things!" Wen Zifei sobbed in anger, clenched his fists and distorted the facts angrily, "She must have done it on purpose, she did it on purpose before. I blow worms in my mouth."

Good guy, really good guy, Gu Beiyan was stunned listening to it.

With this acting skill on him, he probably wouldn't be able to hold back for three seconds.

"Teacher, isn't there monitoring?" Chu Qi raised her hand and pointed to a small white machine in the corner, "Just look at it to know whether Wen Zifei is lying."

(End of this chapter)

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