The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 206 I'm Sorry

Chapter 206 I'm Sorry

monitor? ?
Wen Zifei petrified on the spot when he entered the scene to complain: "What is surveillance?"

"Oh, it's just a small machine that will take pictures of what you did just now." The calmer Chu Qi became, the more flustered Wen Zifei looked.

He carefully glanced at the machine on the height, and even thought of destroying it immediately.

But... too high.

He didn't have enough of the four, so it was impossible to destroy them.

Wen Zifei, who was churning with water in his stomach, suddenly bit his fingers nervously.

Teacher Su has come into contact with many children, smart ones, stupid ones, mature ones... She has seen them all, and Wen Zifei is no exception.

In particular, Wen Zifei's family background is not simple. His father is also one of the top richest people in the country. He has always been responsive to his requests and raised his children more and more arrogantly. Sometimes even the teacher dare not control him too much.


Teacher Su looked at the cute and stupid Yuanyuan, how could such a simple little milk bag make her suffer injustice!

Even if she is not Yu Jinxiao's daughter, she has to give this little boy justice today.

Wen Zifei saw Teacher Su get up, just about to say forget it, when he saw Teacher Su took out a mobile phone and directly called out the monitor in the cafeteria.

In front of everyone, she turned on the playback on her phone——

When Yu Yuanyuan finished cooking and turned around, Wen Zifei made a very obvious movement of stretching his feet, no one would believe it if he said it wasn't intentional.

"I just wanted to move my feet, I didn't want to trip her!!" Wen Zifei reacted quickly, and immediately made excuses for himself.

Gu Beiyan curled his lips: "Cut, if there is no monitoring, you might be wronged because Yuanyuan ordered those vegetables to come to you."

"It's none of your business, shut up." Wen Zifei was wronged, and the more wronged he was, the more he wanted to cover himself up with a bigger reaction.

"No." As he said that, Gu Beiyan deliberately opened his mouth wide to hear Zifei.

Wen Zifei, who was about to lose his sanity, stretched out his finger to grab Gu Beiyan's tongue, but Gu Beiyan bit his finger, screaming and crying in pain.

All the other children stopped eating, and surrounded by eating melons, Teacher Su felt that his brain was buzzing, and he was about to explode.

"Okay, okay, everyone, don't make noise." Teacher Su deliberately put on a straight face, separating Gu Beiyan and Wen Zifei, "Wen Zifei, it was you who were wrong just now, whether you were careless or not, but it was indeed because of you The soup spilled out of her feet, and she almost caused Yuanyuan to fall, so you should apologize to Yuanyuan."

"Gu Beiyan, you have to apologize for biting Wen Zifei's hand."

The eerie atmosphere in the air forms a subtle triangle——

Gu Beiyan looked at Wen Zifei, Wen Zifei looked at Yu Yuanyuan, Yu Yuanyuan didn't know who to look at, so he could only keep this triangle to look at Gu Beiyan.

"I'm sorry." Gu Beiyan folded his hands and apologized unwillingly.

Knowing that he was at a disadvantage, Wen Zifei didn't want to waste time, so he glanced at Yu Yuanyuan, and his voice was as small as a mosquito, "I'm sorry."

Yu Yuanyuan, who was a corner of the triangle, was stunned, looking left and right, as if looking for some pattern, then suddenly turned around and said solemnly to Gu Beiyan, "To Buji."

Gu Beiyan was stunned: "Why are you apologizing to me???"

What happened that he didn't know about? !

"Phuket Island (I don't know)," Xiao Zaizai shook his head foolishly, "you all said 'to Buji', Yuanyuan followed you and said it... This is a triangle!"

Inexplicably, Gu Beiyan accepted an apology: "?"

Who am I, where am I, what am I doing?
(End of this chapter)

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