The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 208 The first person to keep quiet and take advantage

Chapter 208

Just when Gu Beiyan was thinking wildly, Teacher Su came back with Wen Zifei who had changed his clothes.

The clean and refreshing little boy looked irritable and impatient, and was led back to the cafeteria by Teacher Su.


Not much to eat.

Yu Yuanyuan's eyes followed him the whole time, and when he saw that the basin behind the glass window was empty, a strong sympathy suddenly surged in his heart.

It's so pitiful, there's no food to eat, it's so miserable!
The sad little Zaizai sighed, and suddenly felt that Wen Zifei was also very pitiful.

Teacher Su troubled the kitchen to make Wen Zifei his favorite food alone, and the little back figure sat alone in the corner and ate silently.

In Yu Yuanyuan's eyes: It's so pitiful, there are no more delicious meals, only such a small plate of food, and eating alone, it's so pitiful!

Wen Zifei thought: Great, you don't have to eat those same meals, you can eat his favorite things, and no one is arguing, it's just great!

After eating, there is more than half an hour of free time for activities, and we will go back to the dormitory for a nap at [-]:[-].

Yu Yuanyuan, Chu Qi, and Gu Beiyan squatted in a corner of the sandpit, and the three of them worked together to build a small castle.

The sand in the bunker has been specially treated, it is very clean, and the light yellow color has a taste of the sea.

Not far away, there is a landscaping similar to the beach, but the guardrails are cleverly used to separate the surrounding area, and children are not allowed to play in the water.

It's just that the water is not deep, and the shallow layer does not reach the children's calves at most, and there are many small fish hiding under the stones to enjoy the cool.

"Yuanyuan, look, this is the castle I gave you!" Gu Beiyan waved his small hand, and his tone was bold, like an emperor who ruled the world.

Although Chu Qi's taunt came late: "You just piled up a corner, and you are ashamed to say that you gave it yourself?"

"This... I dug all this sand!" As he spoke, Gu Beiyan pointed to the pit he had moved out, "Without the sand I dug, there would be no castle."

"Oh, I really know how to say it."

The two chattered for a long time, and suddenly found that Yu Yuanyuan hadn't spoken.

Xiao Zaizai was lying on the sandpit, pouted and carefully observing the castle: "Is there anyone living in the castle?"

"Of course, the princess lives in the castle," Gu Beiyan said, relying on his proficiency in fairy tales, "For example, someone as cute as Yuanyuan must be a princess who lives in the castle. Me, it must be the princess." prince."

Of course Chu Qi understood the meaning of these words, and added in a cold voice, "I am the king."

Gu Beiyan: "..."

Be the first to take advantage of it quietly!
"But I don't want to be a princess." Yu Yuanyuan held her cheeks and shook her head, "In the stories Yuanyuan heard before, princesses were not allowed to go out casually."

Chu Qi & Gu Beiyan tilted their heads in confusion: "So?"

Is it about to be a round of rhetoric about yearning for freedom and breaking feudalism?

Yu Yuanyuan got up and patted the sand off her body: "If you can't go out, you will eat a lot of good food, Yuanyuan doesn't want to be a princess."

After finishing speaking, under the call of the teacher, Xiao Zai Zai wobbled towards the nap room.

I don't know why, Gu Beiyan looked at that Yuanyuan's back, and even hallucinated some kind of animal...


But even if Yuanyuan turns into a pig, she will still be the cutest and most pink little pig!

Gu Beiyan glanced at Chu Qi, and speeded up to catch up with Yu Yuanyuan's back. Chu Qi, not to be outdone, followed closely behind. The two pushed each other, trying to squeeze the space next to Yu Yuanyuan.

Waiting until the door of the lounge...

"Okay, boys come here to line up, girls go there."

Chu Qi and Yu Yuanyuan successfully got together.

Chu Qi, who succeeded in winning the throne, raised her chin and showed Gu Beiyan a very sarcastic and triumphant smile.

 Sudden update~~June 6-17, 20 updates every day! !Hoo hoo~~
  Yuanyuan Cub: Baba~~Yuanyuan wants to bully ice cream~~
  Yu Jinxiao: Didn't you advance all your pocket money?No money to buy. (evil smile)

  Yuanyuan Cub:! ! !Then... can you buy Yuanyuan with a recommended ticket~~TAT
  Yu Jinxiao: If you have one.

  Yuanyuan Cub: QAQ everyone howling, can you recommend tickets to Yuanyuan~ Yuanyuan wants to bully ice cream~ Thank you everyone~ MUA~

(End of this chapter)

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