The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 209 You Came to Peek at Yuanyuan

Chapter 209 You Came to Peek at Yuanyuan
Gu Beiyan gritted his teeth, how could he forget... Boys and girls sleep separately!

In the despair of defeat, Gu Beiyan watched Yu Yuanyuan and Chu Qi enter the next room, walked to the bed dejectedly, took off his coat and lay down without love.

After a while, even the sound of snoring and snoring came from beside the bed, but Gu Beiyan couldn't sleep, so he could only turn over and face the wall in a daze.


In the room that was so quiet that only breathing was left, something strange suddenly appeared.

Gu Beiyan turned around in the quilt calmly, and found that Wen Zifei, who had just fallen asleep diagonally opposite, wanted to go out without even wearing shoes.

go to the bathroom?

No, there is a bathroom in the lounge, why go out?

Gu Beiyan jumped out of bed when he opened the door, and followed closely behind!
Especially seeing Wen Zifei's sneaky look, it doesn't look like he is doing anything good, there must be something wrong!
After quietly following him out, Wen Zifei didn't go out at all, but approached the girl's lounge.

The door was not locked, and there was a crack when he opened it lightly.

Probably because he was afraid that closing the door again would cause commotion, Wen Zifei left the door open on purpose, and walked inside lightly.

He looked one by one in the aisle, as if looking for someone.

Gu Beiyan also sneaked in through the crack of the door, observed secretly for a while, and suddenly understood what Wen Zifei was here for!
He came to find Yuanyuan!
Sure enough, Wen Zifei watched from bed to bed, and finally stopped in front of a particularly messy bed with a smirk.

Gu Beiyan took a look with his probe, and it was indeed Yu Yuanyuan's bed.

The little cub, who was full of food and drink, was sleepy for a long time, sleeping on his back, like a kitten half stretched, with its paws and feet facing two different directions.

The long eyelashes cast a shadow on the skin under the eyes, and the hair spread like seaweed at the bottom of the water.

Although this sleeping posture is not very regular, but... Gu Beiyan felt that the deer was bumping in his heart when he looked at it, it was so cute! !

Wen Zifei's eyes seemed to be covered with shaved ice, cold and chilly, Gu Beiyan yelled at him as soon as he raised his hand.

"Dead mosquito, what are you doing!!" Gu Beiyan yelled, and most of the sleeping friends woke up in fright, and even Teacher Su noticed them.

Seeing Wen Zifei standing beside Yu Yuanyuan's bed, Teacher Su's temple throbbed with pain: "Wen Zifei, what are you doing here?"

"I, I, I... I went wrong." Wen Zifei suddenly panicked and hid his hands behind his back.

"Really? I think you're here..." Gu Beiyan rushed forward aggressively, "You're here to peek at Yuanyuan!"

Wen Zifei: "...?"

Don't think about me in your own mind, okay?

"Don't talk nonsense, then why are you here again?" Wen Zifei took the opportunity to criticize him.

Gu Beiyan's body is not afraid of the shadow crooked: "I saw you come in, to prevent you from doing bad things!"

Wen Zifei, who was trying to move to the door, was blocked by Gu Beiyan, and squeezed back and forth for a long time, but Gu Beiyan not only refused to let him go, but also deliberately blocked him to confront him.

The two pushed and yelled, and just as Teacher Su was about to get up to figure out the situation, he heard Wen Zifei let out a shrill scream: "Ah——"

The cry was so miserable that Gu Beiyan jumped away in fright: "What's your name? I didn't hit you."

Wen Zifei's face was blushing, and he grinned in pain, and his right arm trembled and lifted something.

(End of this chapter)

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