The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 219 Seems like someone is staring at me

Chapter 219 Seems like someone is staring at me

Yu Jinxiao asked a few simple questions first, and Yu Yuanyuan calculated all of them correctly.

But once the numbers got bigger, she started scratching her head.

After carefully observing a few questions, Yu Jinxiao pinpointed her problem.

If the calculation answer is two digits, she will easily get dizzy.

Patiently explaining the calculation method again, Yu Yuanyuan nodded every time, and after calculating a few questions correctly, she was easy to be stupid again.

After going back and forth several times, Yu Jinxiao felt that this little boy had almost worn out his patience all his life.

"Yu Yuanyuan, are you listening carefully? It doesn't count for such a simple thing," Yu Jinxiao became impatient, and his tone became fierce. "I've said it many times. If you don't pay attention, you will learn forever." Won't."

The little boy who was most afraid of the roar of dinosaurs shrunk his neck, as if he had shrunk a lot in Yu Jinxiao's arms, and turned his head to look at him pitifully.

The little eyes are extremely wronged, the mouth is trembling, and the voice is like a mosquito screaming: "Pu Ba is so fierce."

"I can't be fierce, it's because you have been wrong all the time, and you still don't allow people to say it, right?" Yu Jinxiao softened his tone a bit, but he should have the majesty of a strict father.

Yu Yuanyuan turned her head, and her little claws rested weakly on the table: "Yuanyuan misses you all the time in the kindergarten, how can you be so fierce."

The voice was not loud, but Yu Jinxiao could hear it clearly.

Xiao Zai Zai said just now that she missed him in the kindergarten too?

The hostility in Yu Jinxiao's body seemed to be inspired by love, and he changed [-] degrees, and his tone was as gentle as a catkin: "Really?"

"Really." The aggrieved cub nodded his head, his voice swirling indistinctly in his mouth.

"Okay," Yu Jinxiao wiped away the previous calculations, and said softly, "If you want to learn to count, you have to think carefully and listen carefully, just like every time you come to sneak attack, if you don't use your brain, you will always fail."

Seeing that his father's tone has improved a lot, Xiao Zai Zai's body has also straightened up: "Yuan Yuan is listening carefully."

It was another half-hour contest, Yu Jinxiao was sweating profusely, and Xiao Zaizai was staring and didn't even dare to blink. Finally, ten points against seven points.

Not bad, at least the success rate reached [-]%.

Yu Jinxiao's imaginary picture of fatherly kindness and daughterly filial piety is absent. Behind the high-intensity teaching tasks are his temper that is about to explode, and his hostility that is almost smooth.

I can't scold, I can't hit, I don't even dare to speak loudly, for fear of scaring the little glutinous rice balls.

Forty minutes of excruciating pain almost killed half of Yu Jinxiao's life.

Fortunately, the sound of footsteps coming to save him came from outside.

Yu Yingze came rushing over, poked his head and saw the little cub, and said naturally, "Yuanyuan is indeed here, do you want to go out and play hide-and-seek?"

It gets dark late in Xia Ye, and it's only past [-]:[-], so we can play for at least an hour.

As soon as he heard that there was a game of hide-and-seek, Xiao Zai Zai slipped directly from Yu Jinxiao's lap and landed smoothly: "Go duck, go duck."

Yu Yuanyuan is good at playing hide-and-seek, and her reputation has spread in the circle of children.

They all clamored for Yu Yingze to bring his sister out, and they all wanted to see her.

Yu Yingze is also a little proud of this, after all, only he has such a powerful sister, no one else has.

"Second brother, second brother, Yuanyuan won the football game with others in the kindergarten today!" Xiao Zaizai couldn't wait to share his success.

Yu Yuanyuan's batting ability was developed by Yu Yingze. After hearing the story, he was secretly planning when he would let Xiao Zai Zai try the game again.

The little cub was happily jumping and humming an out-of-key song, but suddenly... she felt as if someone was staring at her from behind.

Turning his head suddenly, there is a long road behind, and there is no one there.

(End of this chapter)

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