Chapter 220

The feeling of being stared at is very strong, so strong that it seems to act on Xiao Zai Zai's back as if it had become an entity.

Blinking her eyes in doubt, Yu Yuanyuan felt that she had seen it all. Since no one was there, it might be... an illusion?

When we came to the appointed place, there were 5 friends playing together, including the two of them, there were 7 people in total.

Three of them were Yu Yuanyuan's first time playing hide-and-seek with them, and she had only seen them at birthday parties before.

In order to experience Yu Yuanyuan's ability to grasp one accurately, they let Xiao Zai Zai be a "ghost" first.

As a result, he was caught cleanly in three consecutive rounds, and each round took no more than 10 minutes.

Those who wanted to see Yu Yuanyuan's skills before were all tamed by Xiao Zai Zai.

Yu Yuanyuan became a "ghost" for three consecutive rounds, and someone suggested to change it, otherwise it would end too quickly each time.

Xiao Zai Zai, who is good at arresting people but not very good at hiding, searched for many places in a panic, but there was no one there, or she couldn't cover her.

When the one-minute hiding time was up, she heard a "ghost" in the distance and yelled "It's time".

Before finding a good place, she just squatted in the grass, deceiving herself like an ostrich.

Fortunately, the footsteps of the "ghost" were not coming towards her, Yu Yuanyuan tried her best to shrink herself into a ball, desperately reducing her sense of existence.

"How stupid."

Suddenly there was a hoarse voice in the grass.

The little cub was startled, and half-prostrated on the ground like fried hair and looked back... There is no one there!
It's still broad daylight, and the monsters can't come out.

Xiao Zai Zai, who thought he had heard wrong, squatted down again, popping his head out from time to time to quietly watch the situation outside.

The footsteps seemed to be walking away.

"It's so stupid, it will definitely be discovered if you hide like this."

Yu Yuanyuan: "!!!!"

She heard it again!
There is a meadow behind, and there is a big tree next to it, and there is no place to hide around.

Xiao Zai Zai looked at the back of the big tree, walked lightly and thought it was a drift——


No adults, no children!
But there's nowhere to hide nearby!

Yu Yuanyuan suddenly thought of the feeling that someone was staring at her from behind just now... There was a chill behind Xiao Zai Zai's back, and her small eyes looked around, always feeling that there was something strange somewhere.

next time!

Next time we talk, she will definitely catch him with a meow!

Although she was scared in her heart, the voice seemed to be calling her stupid, Xiao Zai Zai was scared and angry, cowardly and angry.

Squatting back to the side of the grass again, Yu Yuanyuan's round eyes kept looking around, trying to catch the big villain who was secretly scolding her.

Another few minutes of silence.

Just when she thought the voice would never sound again, that voice actually came again!
"Idiot, change places, everyone hiding here has been caught."

The words seem to be good words, but...

The voice called her a fool!
Yu Yuanyuan was secretly unconvinced in her heart.

She is not stupid, she is smart!
"Who? Who's scolding Yuanyuan?" Xiao Zaizai jumped up from the spot and searched for the voice with his hips inserted, "Come on!"

Yu Yuanyuan searched around the bushes, big trees, trash cans...anywhere she could hide, but she still couldn't find anyone.

Even if it's a small baby, it shouldn't be invisible.

The footsteps of "Ghost" came nearby, and Xiao Zai Zai even smelled the faint fruity smell of that child.

Yu Yuanyuan hurriedly squatted back under the grass, and just after she hid, she saw a pair of glowing eyes staring straight at her under the grass.

(End of this chapter)

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