The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 221 Big Brother's Momentum

Chapter 221 Big Brother's Momentum
"Meow——" Xiao Zai Zai was so frightened by those round glowing eyes that he yelled on the spot.

Under the dark grass, a raccoon cat slowly walked out, lay down on the ground chubby, squinting, the cat's face was full of disdain.

"What, this human being is so timid, have you never seen a cat?"

It was the sound just now!
Yu Yuanyuan petrified on the spot, staring at that raccoon cat for a long time before suddenly was that cat who was talking!
"How can you talk?" Xiao Zai Zai was shocked.

The raccoon cat was licking its paws. After hearing what she said, the cat had a different expression on its face: "What's the matter? Can you understand me?"

"Yes, you are amazing, are you also a god?" Xiao Zai Zai moved forward curiously.

"What's 'also'?" The civet cat was very clever, grabbing the important words when it came, "You...are you a fairy?"

Yu Yuanyuan shook her little head vigorously: "Yuanyuan was originally a snowball cat, but when she came to this world, she became a human!"

Cihuamao: "..."

The cat's face was full of disbelief and disgust.

Yu Yuanyuan, who can't read air, but can at least read facial expressions, can see its contempt: "Do you not believe in Yuanyuan!"

"Then try turning me into a human?" Cihuamao said confidently.

Xiao Zai Zai immediately widened his pupils and stood there dumbfounded.

Seeing that she didn't move, Cihuamao looked calm and licked its paw slowly: "You will be caught if you hide here. I saw several people were caught here before. There is a Someone squatted down to see the hole clearly.

Yu Yuanyuan squatted down and looked under the grass, there was indeed a big hole!

She was still wearing a white skirt, and she squatted in the green grass, not to mention how conspicuous that piece was.

"Where can Yuanyuan squat?" Xiao Zai Zai was dumbfounded.

"I'll take you there as hard as I can." Cihuamao looks quite old, and his voice is hoarse. It should be a male cat, and he walks like a big brother.

It twists and turns, and it takes Xiao Zai Zai to the back of a hidden stone cave, where the gap is small, the surrounding light is dark, and the green plants pouring down from the wall are a piece of open and lush white flowers.

Small flowers densely dotted the entire wall, Yu Yuanyuan hid there, perfectly invisible.

"Thank you," Yu Yuanyuan hid in and began to have a relationship with Lihuamao, "What's your name?"

The cihuamao also took advantage of the opportunity to lie down on the grass and began to yawn: "I am a cat."

Yu Yuanyuan: "..."

There are not many people who can make Xiao Zai Zai deflated.

"You don't have a name?"

Cihuamao glanced at her: "I'm just a wild cat, and I'm not like those spineless domestic cats. How can I have a name? Having a name is the first step to being raised in captivity. I won't..."

"Then I'll call you Dafa (Big Flower) from now on." Yu Yuanyuan lay on the ground, holding her chin and smiling cutely at it, "You look very powerful at first glance, Mao Mao is also Fafa (Huahua), Calling Dafa sounds very powerful."

Did you listen to Meow?

The cihuamao showed its sharp claws unhappily, and was about to greet the human cub and let her know not to name wild cats casually.

But when the cat turned its head, the eyes of the human cub in front of it were warm and clear, and its smile was like the warm sun in spring, making it lazy.

The civet cat with its sharp claws hesitatingly put away its claws, pressed them under its buttocks, and replied in a deep voice: "Yes."

Seeing how cute she is, let her choose a name.

(End of this chapter)

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