The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 222 Show Me How You Become a Cat

Chapter 222 Show Me How You Become a Cat
Yu Yuanyuan grabbed Dahua and hugged it in her arms, while smoothing its fur, while waiting for her little friend to come to her.

She used to be Miaomiao, she knew where Miaomiao liked best, and her little hands were very accurate in finding a position on Dahua's body, and Dahua was snoring straight after grabbing it.

After waiting for a long time, a voice called Yu Yuanyuan came from outside.

When the game time was over, everyone else was found, except Yu Yuanyuan who hid until the end.

This result surprised Yu Yingze, when did his silly sister become so smart? ?

Could it be that she ran home alone first, so she couldn't find it?

The little cub who appeared with the big flower in his arms dispelled Yu Yingze's worries, and everyone was instantly attracted by the very obedient big flower cat.

"Yuanyuan, where did this cat come from?" The children surrounded Yu Yuanyuan, all wanting to reach out and pet them, but they felt that the big flower looked a little fierce, and they were afraid that it would catch people.

Dahua just grows fiercely, and is more often a lazy cat, it doesn't want to scratch people and cause trouble for itself.

"It's a stray cat," Xiao Zaizai put the big flower on the ground, and it immediately lazily rolled into a ball of cat cake, "What does a stray cat mean?"

Yu Yingze knelt down and looked at it curiously: "It just has no owner, it lives everywhere by itself, looking for food by itself."

"Then... are you... hungry!" Yu Yuanyuan's little heart suddenly softened when she heard this, and she immediately leaned over to ask Da Hua.

She is two hundred and fifty years old, and she needs her parents to find food. How difficult it is to find food by herself.

Da Hua's round cat face seemed to be smiling evilly, turned over happily, and showed her belly to the little friend beside her: "Hehe, it's not easy to find something to eat?"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh' it's so cute, I'm going to find something to eat for it."

"I'm going too, I'm going too."

"Then I'll find a bowl to give it water."

After more than ten minutes, a group of children rushed back with their "tributes", and they spread all over the ground.

There are ham sausages, chicken breasts, and some people have cats at home and directly bring canned cat food and cat food.

There are three big bowls of water.

The children squatted on the ground, their eyes wide open and they bet curiously which one Dahua likes.

"Wow, this smells so good." Da Hua went straight to the cat can and sniffed it.

One of the children clapped his hands excitedly: "Cats like the cans I brought!"

A kid in the corner looked a little frustrated, the corners of his mouth drooped in frustration, and he was still holding the peeled ham sausage in his hand.

Dahua glanced at him, and sighed: "Hey, he lives the farthest away, and he went home to bring me something to eat. Forget it, I'll eat that first."

Swinging her fat body, she walked up to the ham sausage, and Da Hua ate most of it, licking the edge of her mouth with satisfaction.

In order to take care of each child's mood, it ate half of everything, drank some water at last, went to the grass and lay down in a big way.

"Wow, Dahua, you are so powerful." Yu Yuanyuan looked at the "tributes" all over the floor, lying on the ground with bright eyes ready to sniff, "Yuanyuan also wants to..."

Yu Yingze quickly pulled her back, and said in astonishment: "Don't you want to eat it too? It's for cats, not for you."

Xiao Zaizai was pulled so that his collar was wrinkled, and he protested wronged: "Yuanyuan is also meowing."

Dahua, who was licking her fur, suddenly stopped, and turned her head curiously: "Are you really a cat? Show me how you look like a cat."

(End of this chapter)

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