The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 223 Don't Play With Stray Cats

Chapter 223 Don't Play With Stray Cats

These words made it hard for Yu Yuanyuan.

She also wanted to become Meow Meow, but after coming to this world, she couldn't change at all.

Da Hua didn't seem to believe her.

Frustrated, Zai Zai looked at the pile of "food" on the ground and sighed softly.

Yu Yingze just found it incredible.


What are you sighing for?

Didn't the Yu family give you a good meal?

He didn't even spare cat food, this is...too cruel.

Dahua rested for a while, and propped up her chubby body: "But it seems that only you here can understand my words, and I can only understand your words, so let's trust you for now."

After [-]:[-], the speed of darkening of the sky accelerated, and the surrounding area was soon covered with darkness.

The children went home one by one, but Yu Yuanyuan was still squatting there, reluctant to leave Dahua.

"Dafa Dafa, we are going to have a fat family, will you come here tomorrow?" Yu Yuanyuan put his palm on his knee, and tilted his head to look at it seriously.

Dahua flicked her tail leisurely, and said in a sleepy tone, "That's not necessarily the case."

"I'll bring you dried fish!"

The drowsy cat opened its eyes with a flick, and let out a loud meow: "Okay."

On the way back, with curiosity in his heart, Yu Yingze endured and endured, but still couldn't suppress the eagerness to move, and asked about what happened just now.

"Yuanyuan, can you understand what that cat said?"

Xiao Zai Zai didn't care much, nodded his head, and said truthfully: "Yes."

"Really? Then what did he tell you just now?"

"I've talked a lot, we made an appointment to meet there tomorrow, and Yuanyuan will bring it dried fish."

Yu Yingze frowned and didn't know what he was thinking, and turned his head to look at the grass in the distance.

As soon as he got home, Xiao Zai Zai hurried to Aunt Chen and said that he wanted to learn how to make dried fish.

As he spoke, his little mouth began to drool, and his speech became slurred.

In the end, Yu Yingze helped explain.

"The stray cat is not very clean, it runs around every day, and there are many dirty places outside," Aunt Chen quickly squatted down to check Yu Yuanyuan's clothes and skin, "Miss Yuanyuan, it's better not to play with stray cats. "

"But, Yuanyuan made an appointment with it," Xiao Zaizai wrung his fingers and lowered his head sadly, "Yuanyuan agreed to bring him dried fish."

Yu Yuanyuan is the treasure that everyone in the family holds in their hands, let alone Mr. Yu and the two young masters, there is not a single servant in the family who does not love her.

Aunt Chen couldn't bear her being wronged, and her heart softened on the spot: "Then Aunt Chen will buy some dried fish tomorrow, but you promise Aunt Chen that you can't touch it casually. If there is something dirty on it, Miss Yuanyuan may get sick if she touches it."

As long as he could feed Dahua, Yu Yuanyuan would agree to anything, nodding even if he didn't understand.

In everyone's mind, Xiao Zai Zai has always been obedient, nodding is equivalent to obeying.

Today, I met a new friend, Miao. Yu Yuanyuan was humming happily even when taking a bath. Although her five notes were incomplete, the singing voice of "Miao Miao Miao Miao" rang in the bathroom for a long time.

Early the next morning, Yu Yuanyuan, who was still in bed, was so illuminated by the early-rising father-in-law that she lost sleepiness.

She rubbed her eyes and got up, and saw a black shadow by the window in a daze.

What a monster! ! !

Opening his eyes wide, Xiao Zai Zai saw Da Hua lying on the window with a flower in his mouth, squeezing against the window frame with a greasy expression.

(End of this chapter)

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