The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 231 You Are So Stupid

Chapter 231 You Are So Stupid
When watching TV dramas before, Chu Qi often saw people say this, and it was the first time for her to feel the meaning of this sentence so personally.

"You... you'll grow it later," the little girl became impatient when she heard this, "Maybe it will grow tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow... Anyway, you're lying!"

Gu Beiyan's head was buzzing, and even the smell of the food was gone: "Han Ya, why do you insist on telling Yuanyuan to lie? You can also understand meow language?"

"I..." Han Ya faltered for a long time, and her voice dropped, "Yes, I can understand it too, so I know Yu Yuanyuan is lying."

When Chu Qi heard it, she burst out laughing: "If you can understand, why did you ask Yuanyuan if the cat likes you? If you can understand, why do you need to ask? I think you are idle, if you are okay If you do, you can help Teacher Su mop the floor."

Kindergarten friends don't use too many words to quarrel, especially Chu Qi, who has a smart mind, and her level of swearing has long been far higher than that of her peers.

She only used five successes, and almost made Han Ya cry.

Han Ya, who had already finished her meal, threw the plate on the table, blushed and hurried away.

Yu Yuanyuan, who was completely confused about the situation, still didn't forget to eat: "Chu Qi, that who...why does she seem to be angry?"

The emotional little cub didn't even remember his name!
"Oh, such an unimportant person, don't need to pay attention to her." Chu Qi continued to bow her head and cook gracefully.

All day long, Han Ya was secretly targeting Yu Yuanyuan.

Either deliberately disturb her during the afternoon nap, or secretly throw paper balls at her head during class.

But the little cub with less brains can't wake up from sleep, so he can't make any noise at all. When the nap is over, Teacher Su picks him up and wakes him up.

Not to mention throwing paper balls, Yu Yuanyuan always likes to dangle around in class, and she didn't drop any of them.

All the breath that had been held for a day accumulated in Han Ya's stomach. Her small body seemed like gunpowder that was about to explode, but she never found a chance to retaliate.

Until school time.

The children lined up at the gate, waiting for their family to pick them up.

Yu Yuanyuan was ranked first today, but her father didn't seem to have arrived yet, and she looked around for a long time but didn't see anyone.

"Meow—" A meow came from the security booth.

Daju lay on the door of the security booth, as if this place had become its home.

"Yo, school is over?" Daju asked lazily.

"Yes," Xiao Zai Zai squatted down and patted its head, and Da Ju narrowed his eyes comfortably, "Do you like eating small fish?"

"Huh? You have?" Daju sat up straight.

Yu Yuanyuan withdrew her claws and regretted, "I don't have them now, but... I can bring them to you tomorrow!"

"Alright, since you want to pay tribute to me, you will be my little brother from now on, and I will cover whoever bullies you!" Lazy.

"Yu Yuanyuan, you are talking to cats again, you are so stupid."

Unfriendly ridicule came from behind, Yu Yuanyuan turned her head and saw Han Ya bouncing over with her schoolbag on her back.

"But, it's very interesting to talk to Maomao," Xiao Zaizai squatted on the ground, and continued to touch Big Orange's head, "It's so cute!"

Han Ya didn't speak, and was about to go around to line up, when Daju suddenly bared her teeth fiercely, causing her to fall and crouch.

The anger accumulated all day surged up, Han Ya got up in embarrassment, pointed at Yu Yuanyuan and cursed: "Did you let it kill me on purpose?!"

 The last day is 8000 days, and the next update will be notified in advance~~ (QAQ was almost emptied)

  The poor Yuanyuan cub took out his left pocket, and then his right pocket: "No, really not at all, woo woo woo~ There is no such thing as Yuanyuan god horse~ Then~ there will be a recommendation ticket~"


(End of this chapter)

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