The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 232 The Perfect Unreal Thing

Chapter 232 The Perfect Unreal Thing

Strange to say, when other people passed by the door, Daju lay obediently on his stomach and remained motionless.

But when Han Ya wanted to go there, it deliberately exploded its fur, as if to scare her.

Having been soaked by it in the morning, Han Ya was terrified of the big orange, and now she dared not move it even more.

There's no way to relieve her anger by scolding the cat, Han Ya can only transfer her anger to Yu Yuanyuan.

"There are no ducks in Yuanyuan," Xiao Zai Zai retracted his paws, squatting nervously and obediently, "Maybe Meow Meow is just stretching."

"Why is it stretching and baring its teeth!!"

"'re laughing?"

God is so funny!

"Miaomiao, let her go." Yu Yuanyuan, the translator of Miaomiao, went online, "The little one wants to be rich."

Daju raised his eyelids and glanced at Han Ya, then lay down on the ground: "Let her go today, if I scratch my hair again, I will scratch her to death."

"You can go there, Miaomiao said don't scratch its fur in the future, it will hurt." After saying that, Yu Yuanyuan made way for Han Ya to go out.

Han Ya was so angry that she rushed past where Daju was, and stood at the door making faces: "Yu Yuanyuan, you are so stupid, you really talk to cats! Idiot! Slightly slightly."

Being scolded for no reason, Xiao Zai Zai suddenly thought of the teachings of his father and brother——

If you are scolded, you have to scold back!
"You...why are you scolding me?" Yu Yuanyuan still decided to explain the truth, and asked the reason first.

Who knew that Han Ya wouldn't answer her questions at all, and kept saying the same thing over and over again, so anxious that she was like glutinous rice balls rolling in water.

Chu Qi and Gu Beiyan had been picked up long ago, and the helpless little cub fell into anxiety.

Just when she was trying to hold back a few curse words and wanted to try, a shadow suddenly lay between the two of them.

The distracted little boy raised his head, and saw Shen Ji standing in front of him in the uniform of the school next door, with his schoolbag casually hooked on his shoulder.


Those eyes were a little frighteningly cold, and they stared straight at Han Ya who was also in a daze.

"Brother Shen Ji!" The sad boy became happy in seconds, and rushed over to hug Shen Ji's leg, "Why are you here!"

"Haven't gone back so late? What's going on?" Shen Ji patted her on the head, Yu Guang never left Han Ya.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Han Ya felt that the eyes of this beautiful little brother were cold, and there was a kind of frightening chill in them.

"Baba hasn't come yet, Yuanyuan is waiting for Baba," Xiao Zaizai replied softly, "Brother Shen Ji is out of school?"

"Yeah," Shen Ji, who was patting the cub, withdrew his hand and looked straight at Han Ya, "Is this your friend?"

"I..." Han Ya just wanted to deny it, but the little brother in front of her was so good-looking, as if she had special magical powers, which prevented her from opening her mouth.

It would be too embarrassing for her to be bullying Yu Yuanyuan one second, and to admit that she was her friend the next, so Han Ya had no choice but to keep silent.

The angry little Zai Zai puffed up his cheeks, glanced at Han Ya and muttered softly, "It's a classmate."

"Oh, that's it." Shen Ji smiled, his fingers gently lifted the edge of the glove, revealing a little bit of his palm, "Hello."

The beautiful fingers were wrapped in black leather gloves, and everything about the boy was perfect and extraordinary.

Such a person reaches out to himself, and no one can refuse.

Han Ya stared blankly, then slowly handed over her hand, and placed it lightly in Shen Ji's palm.

I don't know if it's the body temperature or the material of the glove. Han Ya can't feel the temperature, and everything she touches is icy cold.

(End of this chapter)

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