The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 235 Brother Shen Ji Willing to Believe

Chapter 235 Brother Shen Ji Willing to Believe

Shen Ji felt that the appearance of this big orange was extremely human, and his eyes and movements revealed a very easy-to-understand message, which surprised him very much.

So surprised that I don't know whether to cooperate with its actions.

Daju waited for a while, seeing that he didn't touch it, he took the initiative to push Shen Ji's palm impatiently: "Okay, okay, you see he touched it, don't cry."

The sobbing little cub tried hard to make sure through the blurred eyes of tears. When he saw the little cat's head under Shen Ji's palm, he finally broke into a smile: "Thank you! Brother Shen Ji really won't hurt you. Da, right!"

Shen Ji had no intention of hurting it at all, seeing that Daju took the initiative to flatter him to comfort Yu Yuanyuan, he took advantage of the situation and grabbed it twice more.

Daju, who was meowing when he was thinking about it, seemed to have been opened up by Shen Ji in an instant, and the second vein of Ren and Du was opened up. Meow couldn't resist this wonderful cat-pulling technique, and lay down on the spot cursing, and the throat couldn't help but let out a comfortable grunt sound.

"Meow, that's right, that's it, let me continue."

Although Shen Ji's aura still caused Daju to instinctively repel and guard against him, but with Yu Yuanyuan's presence and that comfortable technique, he quickly lost himself.

Under Shen Ji's beautiful fingers, she turned her belly obediently, and became a tool meow at the mercy of others.

"Miao Miao said it likes it here," Xiao Zai Zai's tears disappeared in seconds, and squatted aside as a meow translator, "Yes, yes, yes, it said it was like this."

"Yuanyuan, can you understand cats?" While stroking the cat, Shen Ji didn't forget the little cub.

This is the first time in his life that he has come into contact with small animals.

From childhood to adulthood, no matter whether it is a cat, a puppy, or a bird...all will not approach him, and even give a deterrent warning when he approaches actively.

If he continued to approach, the small animal that was fine before would desperately try to escape.

Shen Ji has never been treated like this since he was a child.

Watching the whole process, he vaguely felt that this treatment was all because of Yu Yuanyuan.

"That's right, that's right," Yu Yuanyuan, who didn't hesitate to move her little head, suddenly thought of something, and suddenly lost her joy, "Brother Shen Ji doesn't believe Yuanyuan's words?"

"No, I believe it." Shen Ji looked indifferently at Daju who was grunting and about to fall asleep under his hand, "This is the first time I have touched a kitten. You have communicated with it, right?"

Xiao Zai Zai, who had been suspected all day long, squatted on the ground in a round, small ball, his eyes widened in surprise, and he looked at Shen Ji happily and excitedly.

His words are undoubtedly the greatest comfort and confirmation for Xiao Zai Zai.

Even if people all over the world don't believe her, at least brother Shen Ji is willing to believe her! !

"Why hasn't your father arrived yet? Do you want to call and ask?" Shen Ji checked the time, he had been playing here with Xiao Zai Zai for almost half an hour, and other children also left in a hurry. Kindergartens have become much deserted.

Teacher Su sent away the last child in the class except Yu Yuanyuan, and found that Yu Jinxiao hadn't come yet, and was about to make a phone call when a luxury car stopped slowly at the school gate, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

The car door opened, Gao Zhou was the first to get out of the car, followed by Yu Jinxiao.

Xiao Zaizai jumped up happily: "It's Gao Susu and Baba!!"

Seeing her parents arrived, Shen Ji patted her on the head and stood up: "Then I'll go back first."

"Bye, Brother Shen Ji!"

Yu Yuanyuan waved her paws, happily grabbed her schoolbag and trotted over.

The little head poked forward, happily grabbed a thigh and hugged: "Dad!"

In the next second, Yu Yuanyuan heard Yu Jinxiao's voice coming from the side: "Yu Yuanyuan, who do you call father?"

(End of this chapter)

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