Chapter 236

Even if he is as stupid as a little boy, he also feels that something is wrong.

She let go of her hand, raised her head and tried to see the owner of the turned out to be an uncle she didn't know at all.

Uncle had an awkward smile on his face, he probably just passed by here, but he never thought that he would be grabbed and called daddy by a little kid, and he was happy to be a daddy for a second.

"Yeah, Yuanyuan hugged the wrong one, for Buji, Susu." Yu Yuanyuan let go of her hand, rubbed her little feet embarrassingly, and lowered her head with flushed cheeks.

The passing man waved his hand and comforted her with a smile: "It's all right."

If you really have such a cute and playful daughter, you will be a winner in life! !

He thought, but unfortunately, the lovely daughter belongs to someone else.

Yu Yuanyuan, who hugged the wrong person, was embarrassed for two seconds, then walked in small steps and raised her head to look for someone——

After seeing the face clearly this time, she opened her arms to hug her: "Ba Ba!! Why is Ni so late today!"

Yu Jinxiao didn't hug her immediately, but squinted at the passing middle-aged man, sending him a chill.

"I've been delayed for a while because of work," Gao Zhou rushed to explain to Xiao Zai Zai, "Miss Yuan Yuan is great, she didn't run around, and she knew to wait obediently at the door."

"Teacher Su and the security guard Susu said that you can't go out, and you can't go with other people," Yu Yuanyuan raised her claws and pointed in a certain direction, "Brother Shen Ji said the same!"

"Ah? Did you meet the little brother?" Gao Zhou looked around curiously, but saw no one.

Shen Ji, who doesn't like too much contact with people, left without a sound, and didn't even want to say hello to them.

"That's right, brother Shen Ji goes to the school over there." Yu Yuanyuan raised her claws and pointed, Gao Zhou and Yu Jinxiao looked over there for two seconds, then met their eyes at the same time.

it's wired.

How could Shen Ji afford to go to that school?

That school is one of the famous aristocratic schools in Jiangcheng, second only to the school where Yu Mingxi and Yu Yingze are.

Not to mention the high tuition fees, the school will also review the identity of the parents, so it is not easy to get in.

Both Yu Jinxiao and Gao Zhou have met Shen Ji's uncle's family, and they are unlikely to be able to afford the school's tuition.

To put it simply, the economic situation of the uncle's family is not even comparable to that of ordinary people, let alone let Shen Ji go to such a school.

Gao Zhou, who always thought that Shen Ji was a poor little boy, felt that things were not simple.

But in front of Xiao Zai Zai, Yu Jinxiao and Gao Zhou didn't discuss this matter, they just changed the topic and carried Yu Yuanyuan into the car.

Yuanyuan, who met Shen Ji, was in a good mood. After eating, she wandered around the yard humming and chirping, looking for big flowers everywhere.

After failing to find Dahua, Yu Yuanyuan suddenly thought of something, bouncing around and intercepting Yu Jinxiao at the door of the study.

"Balba! Let's roll the grass on the weekend!" The happy cub raised his arms, his eyes sparkled and suggested.

Rolling grass? ?

Who wants to go to the sand sculpture operation like rolling the grass with her? !
Yu Jinxiao didn't agree, curled his lips and looked down at her: "No."

Ba Ba refused without even thinking about it! !
The little boy who thought he would definitely be promised froze on the spot, and jumped up on the spot a second later: "Why, why?? Rolling grass is so fun!"

"There may be bugs on the grass, and there may be dog poop," Yu Jinxiao remained unmoved, "If you roll in the grass, all these things will get on your clothes and hair."

The little cub who hadn't thought about this possibility at all was silent.

She is a little meow who loves to be clean, if she gets too doesn't seem very good.

"Then don't roll the grass, let's have a picnic, shall we?"


"Meow???" Xiao Zai Zai was shocked.

"I'm going on a business trip tomorrow."

Yu Yuanyuan tilted her head, thinking that these two words were not good words: "I'm going to leave home for a few days."

Cub Zai: "!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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