The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 237 Little Cub's Will

Chapter 237 Little Cub's Will
Since coming to this house, Yu Yuanyuan has not been separated from Yu Jinxiao for more than 24 hours.

When I heard that my father was leaving for a few days...

It seemed like a century to Xiao Zai Zai.

"Baba Baba, where are you going, take Yuanyuan with you~~~" Yu Yuanyuan hugged his leg and began to act coquettishly, "Baba has been away for so long, Yuanyuan will miss you."

Xiao Zai Zai said he missed him!

miss him!

miss you!
Yu Jinxiao was still calm and sullen with a cold face, but he heard Xiao Zai Zai's aggrieved voice say "I miss him", and he didn't want any airs or patterns.

Picking up the milky little guy, Yu Yuanyuan thought her father was about to compromise, so she happily put her paws on that broad shoulder.

"No, Dad is going to work, and he will come back after work." Yu Jinxiao, who had never been comforting, even spoke a lot more gently, as if he had suddenly changed himself.

Uncle Yang passing by was a little surprised, it turned out that Mr. Yu would also see this kind of fatherly aura.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo up."

The little furry head got to his neck, and leaned against it obediently and quietly.

This gentle feeling melted Yu Jinxiao's heart. For a moment, he suddenly seemed to lose himself, and wanted to take this little boy with him on a business trip.

After running away from reason for a few seconds, Yu Jinxiao finally dragged him back.

He can't be controlled casually by this little brat!
"You stay at home obediently, and I will bring you a gift when I come back."

The little furry head didn't move at first, but when she heard the "gift", Yu Yuanyuan raised her head happily, and looked into her father's eyes with sparkling eyes: "What's so delicious!"

I haven't even gone yet, I just think about Yu Jinxiao buying delicious food.

What's more, he was talking about gifts, and gifts were directly equated with "food" in Xiao Zai Zai's heart.

"I have to go to find out," Yu Jinxiao did not reassure her, "I heard that there is a delicious pineapple cake over there, it tastes delicious..."

Before he could finish speaking, he heard the sound of saliva spitting next to his ear.

Yu Yuanyuan's eyes widened when he heard that, as if he had imagined delicious food in his head, and he was so greedy.

One second he was still sticky and reluctant to part with his father, and the next second his little paws patted his father's shoulder: "Baba, go quickly... come back... hiss."

Any reluctance is just a cloud, because there is no delicious food to shake Xiao Zai Zai's will.

Once she heard about the delicious food, she wished she could send her father off on the spot, so as to wait until her pineapple cake came back earlier.

Yu Jinxiao knew that he was defeated by the food, so he took the cub off his neck and put it on the sofa: "Let's talk."

"Karma?" The sluggish little Zai Zai shook his little feet, "What are you talking about?"

It has been two days since I went to kindergarten, and Yu Jinxiao wants to learn about his daughter's situation in school like an ordinary father.

Although she seemed to be having a good time, she didn't seem to mention much about school when she got home.

"Did you have any happy and unhappy things in school? Also, did you meet good friends and classmates who bullied you? there anything special?"

Xiao Zai Zai is still too young, it may be difficult for her to describe it by herself, Yu Jinxiao patiently guides her.

Yu Yuanyuan bit her finger and thought about it for a while, then suddenly raised her little claw: "Yes, Wen Zifei has been serving Yuanyuan as an attendant for another week!"

Yu Jinxiao: "?"

(End of this chapter)

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