The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 238 Covering us from now on

Chapter 238 Covering us from now on
Xiao Zai Zai got the chatterbox opened, and since she stepped into the kindergarten in the morning, she took the initiative to talk about Shen Ji accompanying her after school.

As for that follower...

Yu Jinxiao frowned upon hearing this.

How could someone be planted twice in the hands of Xiao Zai Zai? It seems that Wen Zifei's IQ is also a bit worrying.

Little Tangyuan playing with these people, won't the more they play, the more stupid they will be?
After Jijiguagua told about the incident in the kindergarten, Yu Jinxiao didn't find any major problems, so he let her go to play by herself.

There was still some time before dinner, and he happened to be able to have a short video conference.

Xiao Zaizai, who was playing alone, was wandering in the yard outside, but he didn't see the big flower after looking around, so he ran quietly to the place where he met the big flower before.

Sure enough, Dahua was lying on her stomach and sleeping soundly.

When Yu Yuanyuan, who deliberately stepped lightly to launch a sneak attack, entered the two-meter range, Da Hua suddenly stood up and looked back vigilantly.

Recognizing that it was Yu Yuanyuan, she lazily fell back to the ground: "You are here."

"Da Hua Da Hua, have you eaten yet?" Xiao Zai Zai ran forward, squatted beside her and gently smoothed Da Hua's hair.

Da Hua yawned, and reluctantly got up: "Not yet."

"Wow, then you and Yuanyuan's fat family, Yuanyuan will find something to eat for you," Yu Yuanyuan patted Dahua's back, "I wonder if Aunt Chen has bought dried fish for Yuanyuan."

Although Dahua is fat, her walking posture is very big, especially when she is next to Xiao Zai Zai, she looks like a mighty bodyguard.

Bringing big flowers into the yard, Xiao Zai Zai immediately found Aunt Chen: "Auntie, is there anything to eat at home?"

Aunt Chen thought she was hungry, and mysteriously took out a small cake: "Shh, eat it quietly, don't let Mr. Yu see."

The drooling little cub was still rational, wiped the corner of his mouth and said, "It's not that Yuanyuan wants to eat, but he wants to feed Miaomiao."

"That's it, there are some," Aunt Chen dug out the newly bought canned cat food and dried fish snacks from the basement storage room, "They are all newly bought, but..."

"Yuanyuan won't steal it!" Xiao Zaizai took it in his hand and patted his heart to promise.

Aunt Chen laughed out loud when she heard it: "Auntie wants to say be careful, Miaomiao has claws that can catch people, and also has dirty things on her body, Miss Yuanyuan can't touch it."

"Ah...Okay." Xiao Zai Zai, who had already touched her, quietly hid her hands behind her back, fearing that she would be found with clues.

Seeing her small movements, Aunt Chen knew that she must have touched it, so she didn't say anything, and went out with the food to feed the cat with Xiao Zai Zai.

Dahua, who was waiting in the yard, did not expect a stranger to come, especially this stranger who wanted to hit him in the morning, so scared that Dahua turned around and ran away.

"It's okay, it's okay, Auntie brought you food." Xiao Zai Zai greeted softly.

The big flower hidden in the corner popped up its head, and looked at it curiously and cautiously. Aunt Chen's compassion was overflowing with those eyes, and it reminded her of Yu Yuanyuan at a certain time.

Poor, timid, scared and helpless.

Aunt Chen's heart softened suddenly, she opened the can, poured out the dried fish and put it on top: "Eat it."

Da Hua, who was hiding in the grass, poked her head out, sniffed it, smelled the delicious food, and kept casting eyes at Yu Yuanyuan, as if asking if it was all right.

Xiao Zai Zai nodded vigorously and tried his best to assure him that Da Hua slowly came over and started eating.

After the first bite, I still had lingering fears, so I was careful. After taking a few bites, Dahua let go completely, and gave a "meow" to Aunt Chen and Xiao Zaizai.

Aunt Chen smiled and asked, "Miss Yuanyuan, what did it say?"

Xiao Zai Zai, a meow language translator, explained: "Big Flower will cover us from now on! We are its younger brothers!"

(End of this chapter)

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