The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 239 Cats Can Talk About Conditions

Chapter 239 Cats Can Talk About Conditions
Dahua Meow Meow Meow, eating non-stop, looks very happy.

It's just that Xiao Zai Zai's translation made Aunt Chen dumbfounded. She was so arrogantly treated as a little brother by this stray cat?
She smiled and patted Yu Yuanyuan's head, thinking it was Xiao Zai Zai's own imagination, and after a few words of advice, she continued to prepare dinner.

From this day on, the big flower will wander around the yard in the evening, meowing along the way.

Sometimes it came early, and Yu Yuanyuan hadn't finished school yet, so Aunt Chen would put some food for it in the corner.

Gradually, she found that the cat was very sensible and never made trouble in the yard.

After he was full, he lazily found a corner to take a nap, waited until Yu Yuanyuan came back, and then played with her for a while, and then left silently at that point.

Coming back from kindergarten on Friday, the cub who finally came to the weekend was very happy.

As long as you don't go to school, it is the most celebrated thing in the world for children.

Yu Jinxiao went on a business trip, and Gao Zhou personally went to pick up Yu Yuanyuan every day, and Gao Zhou also unscrupulously bought sweets and snacks for Xiao Zai Zai secretly, coaxing her to happily say "Gao Su Su come early every day".

Waiting for Xiao Zai Zai to step into the house, Gao Zhou suddenly noticed a black shadow jumping under his feet, thinking it was a big mouse from somewhere, he raised his foot and was about to kick it.

"Gao Susu, that's Dafa," Yu Yuanyuan waved his hands indistinctly, and the "big mouse" swayed over, "Dafa, this is Gao Susu, Gao Susu is a good person!"

Da Hua raised her head and stared at Gao Zhou suspiciously, and Gao Zhou fell into samadhi in an instant.

"Where did the wild cat come from?" Gao Zhou saw the big flower for the first time, immediately took the cub into his arms, and drove away vigilantly, "Let's go, let's go."

"Gao Susu—" Yu Yuanyuan became anxious, and patted Gao Zhou's cheek with his paw, "Dafa is a good meow, don't scold him."

Gao Zhou felt that Xiao Zai Zai's tone was a bit strange, and asked tentatively, "Do you often play with it?"

"Yeah, Dafa comes to eat every day, he is very good." Yu Yuanyuan smiled and waved to Dahua, the cold and fierce cat turned its face cutely, and gave a "meow" in cooperation .

"Why did you come back?" Dahua asked like a big brother.

Xiao Zai Zai replied in a dignified way: "Yuan Yuan is going to school."

"It's tiring for humans to have to go to school every day at such a young age."

As a leisurely meow, Dahua can't understand human life, but——

Waiting for Yu Yuanyuan to come back in the yard every day seems to have become its habit.

Gao Zhou just watched the cub in his arms talking back and forth with a cat, it really seemed like that.

"Miss Yuanyuan, can you understand what this fat cat is saying?" Gently placing Yu Yuanyuan back on the ground, Gao Zhou knelt down and looked at Dahua curiously.

After Yu Zaizai chirped and gurgled to translate, Dahua Miaowu showed her clawed nails and slapped the ground angrily.

"Who are you calling a fat cat!" Dahua meowed angrily.

The squatting body of Xiao Zai Zai slowly turned around, with his index finger erect in front of his lips, he whispered a reminder: "Gao Susu, Dafa doesn't like people calling him fat."

The meow language translation looked good, and Gao Zhou also shrank his neck in cooperation: "Sorry, sorry, I was rude."

Turning back to translate, Xiao Zai Zai smiled again: "Dafa said it was originally (forgive) you."

Gao Zhou originally thought that these so-called "conversations" were all imagined by Yu Yuanyuan himself, but he cooperated with the big cat's reaction and felt that these conversations were not so outrageous, and they really looked like that.

"Then... can I touch it?" Gao Zhou stretched out his palm eagerly.

Yu Yuanyuan foolishly talked to the cat, then raised her head: "Dafa has conditions!"

"What conditions?!"

Hey, cats can still talk about conditions?

(End of this chapter)

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