The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 240 Sudden Break

Chapter 240 Sudden Break
"Do you want something to eat?" Gao Zhou followed Yu Yuanyuan's train of thought to understand, "No problem, I'll buy whatever I want, and I'll buy a lot."

After squatting down and listening to a series of "meow meow", Xiao Zaizai shook his head: "No, it said it wants you to go with it to a place."

Gao Zhou couldn't understand it now: "Huh?"

Da Hua took the lead and walked out of the yard, followed by Zai Zai, and Gao Zhou obediently followed behind Zai Zai and Mao as if being restrained by an invisible rope.

They kept walking until they came to a big tree before stopping.

Gao Zhou vaguely heard a faint meow, not even a meow, but a meow, the voice was hurried and tense, as if he had encountered some trouble.

As soon as Da Hua started to meow, she covered up the weak meow.

Yu Yuanyuan squatted in front of it, as if listening to it seriously, raised her head after a while, and pointed to the high tree: "Gao Susu, Dafa said that there is a little meow trapped on it. I want you to help save meow."

What? ?

Gao Zhou was dubious, raised his head and searched for a while, and saw a small white figure on a branch.

Bai Miao lay on it so frightened that it almost exploded, its claws tightly hugged the tree trunk, and it let out a pitiful cry in despair.

"Oh, there's little Miaomiao," Xiao Zaizai desperately raised his finger up to signal, "It's terrified!"

It's amazing! !
Can Miss Yuanyuan really understand meow language?
This kind of thing is unlikely to be a coincidence that can be hit by a casual compilation.

It's so unbelievable that Gao Zhou almost believed Yu Yuanyuan's words——

Can Xiao Zai Zai really understand animals?
Whether it's true or not, the first priority is to save the kitten first.

Gao Zhou took off his suit and was about to throw it on the ground. Xiao Zai Zai ran over and raised his not-so-long arm: "Yuanyuan takes it, and Yuanyuan helps Gao Susu take it."

The humanoid milk hanger is so soft and cute, Gao Zhou was defeated at once, and obediently offered the coat with both hands.

Yu Yuanyuan obediently hugged the coat that was longer than her own, and looked upright under the tree with her head upright.

I saw Gao Zhou stepping on the trunk of the tree at the place that seemed to be a high level but difficult to get to. Gao Zhou climbed to the high place in two or three strokes, and his movements were more flexible and agile than ordinary people.

On the thick branch of the arm hung the group of white kittens, like a glutinous rice ball, teetering on the branch.

Probably frightened, Gaozhou approached along the branch, and it hid at the front of the branch, hiding farther and farther away, and made a deterrent whining sound.

"Meow—" Dahua cried out loudly under the tree.

Yu Yuanyuan also waved loudly under the tree: "Don't be afraid, little Miaomiao, Gao Susu is a good person, he is here to help you!"

The kitten, who had been meowing and meowing in the last second, became much more docile, and even slowly tried to crawl towards Gaozhou.

Gao Zhou was surprised by this sudden cooperation, and even thought that this little guy was not a real cat, could it be some programmed toy?
The little white snowball squirmed over on the branch. Gao Zhou stretched out his arm to grab it, and held it in the palm of his hand accurately.

“The high crispy crisps are great!!!”

"This human being is suitable to be my little brother, not bad."

One cub and one cat were happy for less than three seconds, when there was a "click" sound from above, and the branch sank downward.

Gao Zhou quickly stuffed the kitten into his shirt, and was about to step back softly when suddenly——

There was a louder "click", and the branch couldn't bear Gao Zhou's weight and suddenly broke.

(End of this chapter)

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