The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 245 Calculation 1 Calculation Another Account

Chapter 245 Calculating Another Account
All of a sudden, Bailing's tricks didn't work today, and the twins suddenly became nervous, and their small movements betrayed their emotions.

Yu Mingxi saw everything in his eyes, glanced at them indifferently, and continued to insist: "Let's go, check the surveillance."

"No, we won't go!" As they said that, the twins wanted to escape, and Gao Zhou and Yu Yingze blocked them back to their original place.

"Let's go, adjust the monitoring, if we wrong you, we will apologize." Yu Mingxi's words stopped.

If they are wronged, they will apologize. If they are not wronged... what will happen...

The saying of stopping abruptly without an answer made the twins nervous, trembling uncomfortably while clutching the hem of their clothes, and fine sweat was all over their foreheads.

Gao Zhou was very close to them, and felt that the reaction of the twins was a bit strange.

Ordinary children don't react as much when they are afraid.

The twins were sweating and trembling all over, and the tension and fear in their eyes were too exaggerated.

As if he and Yu Mingxi were going to kill them.

"If you're afraid that what we say won't count, you can call the parents and be a witness." Yu Mingxi spoke loudly, and every word seemed to aggravate the twins' fear.

" can't," one of the twins screamed, squatting on the ground trembling, "you can't call me father, you can't."

The other one's condition was not much better, his eyes were red and bloodshot, as if he was experiencing something terrible.

"It's okay not to adjust the monitoring, but you have to tell the truth." After getting the answer he wanted to confirm, Yu Mingxi already knew it well.

The twins suddenly lost control of their emotions, Yu Mingxi did not force them to answer immediately, but gave them enough time to calm down.

After about five minutes, the two little boys finally calmed down, and stammered: "We just... tied the cat with a rope to play, and then she...she came, we thought she was going to play together, so we Invite her..."

Xiao Zaizai, who was hiding behind the back, had been listening quietly, and finally couldn't help it, and rushed out to retort: ​​"But you tied Dafa's neck, dragging him like that will hurt!!!"

Yu Yuanyuan, who was also dragged before, didn't mention herself at all.

"Isn't it just a wild cat?" The twins frowned in disbelief, "What's the matter with you?"

"Guan...just shut down the matter of Yuanyuan!" Xiao Zaizai stammered angrily, "Da... Dafa belongs to our family!"

"Ah?" The twins asked in surprise, "Is it your cat?"

"Yes!!" As soon as she lied, Yu Yuanyuan opened her eyes wide without blinking, her subconscious little reaction was fully exposed.

Fortunately, the twins didn't know the meaning of this small reaction. They exchanged glances and said without apology: "Okay then, I'm sorry."

"Okay, let's do another calculation."

The twins who were about to leave were stopped by Yu Mingxi's words.

"What else is there?" The two asked impatiently.

Yu Mingxi stared coldly, without even a hint of a smile on his face: "You dragged my sister, so you have to apologize and deal with the aftermath, right?"

"Then...then I'm sorry, okay?" The twins reluctantly squeezed out an apology.

It's not a real mistake to hear it.

"It's a good idea to apologize, but there are still some things that need to be dealt with by you," Yu Mingxi took the lead and walked towards the villa, "This matter is not over yet, you all come here together."

Not a suggestion, not a consultation, but an orderly tone.

(End of this chapter)

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