Chapter 246 Killer
Gao Zhou was aggressive, and it seemed that beating someone would hurt, the twins dared not run away.

Running is also running in vain.

I'm afraid Gao Zhou will immediately wring his neck and lift him back before he takes two steps.

Yu Mingxi led them back to the gate of the courtyard, and asked Yu Yingze to take Yu Yuanyuan to Aunt Chen to change clothes.

Ten minutes later, a stack of dirty coats and trousers was brought out.

It was full of green juice made from mud and grass, and those who didn't know it thought it was the clothes of a tramp.

"Brother." Yu Yingze handed over the clothes as instructed, vaguely guessing his elder brother's operation.

Yu Mingxi took the clothes and showed a rare smile: "You guys made the clothes dirty, so... please wash them in the pool over there before leaving."

"What???" The twins couldn't bear it any longer, struggling and protesting angrily, "We don't want it!!! Our clothes are all washed by servants!"

"Ah, that's it." Yu Mingxi pretended to be troubled, and stroked his chin lightly, "Then why don't you find your parents and let the servants wash it?"


Gao Zhou was admiring the faces of the twins who were sometimes angry and sometimes terrified, not to mention how relieved they were!

He is not a parent, and his status is special, so he is not enough to stand up and teach these two rich young masters a lesson.

But it was different when it was Yu Mingxi.

At the same age, Yu Jinxiao's son, no matter his status or age, was hard to fault.

Especially since just now, Yu Mingxi has a reasonable appearance, seemingly gentle and understanding, but every step carries a black-bellied threat.

"Master, here comes the laundry detergent." Aunt Chen, who had no idea what happened, helped get out the laundry detergent.

She looked at the little boy with his head hanging over there in confusion, thinking that he was a good friend that the young master and miss had just made——

In the end, Yu Mingxi smiled and handed over the dirty clothes and laundry detergent, waiting for them to take them.

The two little boys wanted to run several times, and even stood there deliberately, as if they were going to die with someone.

Yu Mingxi raised his hands a little sorely, glanced at the clothes in his arms with downcast eyes, and said: "These clothes will also incur fees for cleaning, and your parents will be needed at that time..."

"We wash!"

"Wash it!!"

As soon as the trump card was used, the twins surrendered together, wiped up their sleeves obediently and squatted by the pool in the yard.

The clothes are really dirty, and there are traces of friction. There are a lot of stains from the green grass and mud caught in the crevices.

The two children, who had never washed their own clothes before, spent almost an hour washing, and finally their hands were shaking so much that they could even turn off the faucet.

During the period, the twins gestured three times in a row, indicating that they were done washing.

But they didn't pass Yu Mingxi's inspection, indicating that they still need to continue washing.

Just bent over and washed for an hour without a break...

From dusk to dark, he was bitten by mosquitoes, and finally the yard was lit up, illuminating the backs of the two busy people, finally making Gao Zhou feel comfortable.

Yu Mingxi seemed satisfied, and when they twisted up the clothes again to signal, he said with a smile: "That's right, it's very clean."

The twins exhaled in unison, staring at the clean clothes, with an inexplicable sense of accomplishment.

Even extremely dirty clothes can be cleaned by them! !
At least not in vain.

Weird sense of accomplishment +5.

Yu Mingxi picked up the clothes and rummaged through them for a while, then handed them to Aunt Chen: "Aunt Chen, the clothes are worn out, please throw them in the trash can at the door."

The twins who were exhausted washing their clothes: "??!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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