The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 249 You look so funny here without silver 32

Chapter 249 It's funny that you don't have three hundred taels of silver here
Dad's tone was not very good, which made Yu Yuanyuan instinctively recognize that this was something that needed to be concealed.

She sat upright on the sofa, her eyes wide open, without blinking: "No meow, Dad, you got it wrong!"

Gao Zhou next door squatted down, holding the big flower in his arms, and then put it in the distant kitchen and closed the door.

"Could it be that you brought some cat home to play with?" On the phone, Yu Jinxiao pressed every step of the way, almost guessing right.

The little boy who was holding the phone was a little nervous, and even started to stutter: "No, it was Yuanyuan calling just now, meow~"

Hehe, it's funny that you don't have three hundred taels of silver here.

"Yu Yuanyuan, you are not allowed to bring cats home, did you hear me? Mingxi's illness is not suitable for keeping pets, if you dare to bring cats back, I will throw them out when I get home!" Yu Jinxiao was afraid that she would secretly act presumptuously Advocates, warning bans issued in advance.

Yu Yuanyuan suddenly lost her joy, said "Oh" in a low voice, and returned the phone to Gao Zhou.

In fact, Gao Zhou could hear the conversation between Yuanyuan and Mr. Yu clearly.

How could he forget that the young master has asthma, and he even brought Dahua into the house!

Gao Zhou regretted it too much.

Remembering that when watching TV just now, Yu Mingxi deliberately chose the farthest position, probably to keep a distance from the cat.

But if Yu Jinxiao hadn't mentioned it, he would have almost forgotten about it.

Since Yu Yuanyuan's arrival, Yu Mingxi's asthma has stabilized a lot, and it doesn't flare up like before, which scared everyone into a mess.

So much so that Gao Zhou paid less attention to this matter than before.

After talking to Yu Jinxiao again, after Gao Zhou hung up the phone, he leaned over and touched Dahua's head: "Dahua can't stay here."

In fact, Yu Mingxi had been listening quietly from the moment the phone call came, and he probably guessed a thing or two about what his father said.

"It's okay, I have medicine, Dahua is very good, let it play here." After Yu Mingxi finished speaking, he coughed lightly, and a few cat hairs fluttered in the air.

Yu Zaizai frowned in worry, hugged Dahua and touched it: "Dafa, you can't stay here, Yuanyuan will treat you to a small dried fish tomorrow, okay?"

Da Hua let out a "meow", and obediently lay in her arms without moving.

Even Aunt Chen, who drove away Dahua before, couldn't bear to see it.

Poor cat, it looks like it might rain tonight, if you get him out...

Shouldn't it be like a drowned cat?
"Why don't you build a nest for Dahua outside?" Gao Zhou walked to the door and took a look, he seemed to have found a place to make a nest.

On the opposite side of Yu Yuanyuan's room, there is a small storage room, below which there is a step almost one meter high, and the space under the step can just provide shelter from wind and rain.

Uncle Yang and Brother Jiang went to get some tools, and used the old wooden boards they had at home to build a small cottage for Dahua.

Usually used to being a stray cat, Da Hua does not resist strays.

The reason why it is willing to stay tonight is just to repay this group of people for saving it tonight.

Kittens have nothing to give them, and companionship is a gift.

"Meow meow meow (will you live in me?)..." Da Hua jumped out of Xiao Zai Zai's arms, shook her body, and looked at the new nest curiously.

Yu Yuanyuan felt that the nest was not good-looking enough, so she ran back to the room and took out a painting brush, and drew some patterns on the side for decoration.

Aunt Chen also placed two bowls in the small room, one for cat food and one for water——

The comfortable Meow Meow House was born!

Yu Yuanyuan happily pulled Dahua's front paw, and motioned it to look: "Dafa, look, this is your room."

Dahua looked around, then turned her head suspiciously: "You cunning humans!"

(End of this chapter)

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