The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 250 Another Precognitive Dream

Chapter 250 Another Precognitive Dream

Yu Yuanyuan: "?"

The bewildered little cub froze in place.

Da Hua held up the cat's head and closed her eyes proudly: "Hmph, I won't become a house cat just because of your kindness! I am a free wild cat, and I yearn for freedom..."


As the raindrops fell, Gao Zhou picked up Yu Yuanyuan and ran to the villa.

Everyone ran back to the house and looked at Dahua's small villa with a place to hide from the rain.

Dahua, who was determined not to be moved by wealth and honor in the last second, has quietly sneaked into the villa to shelter from the rain.

"The big flower is in!" Xiao Zai Zai was finally relieved, and obediently went upstairs to sleep.

It was raining lightly outside, before Yu Yuanyuan climbed onto the bed, she deliberately went to the window to take a look. With the dim light in the yard, she saw the big flower in the nest stretching comfortably.

Hey, big flowers also have shelter from the wind and rain!
Yu Yuanyuan happily climbed onto the bed and lay down, she didn't need Sister Bei to tell a story, her eyelids were heavy, and she fell asleep as soon as she closed her eyes.

Xiao Zai Zai, who hadn't dreamed for a long time, had another very real and long dream.

It's just that this dream was a bad one, and it reminded Yu Yuanyuan of the first time she dreamed about Shen Ji's brother.

Two identical men squatted beside the wounded dad, playing with a bloody knife.

That face was very strange to Yu Yuanyuan, but two identical faces, and those sickly familiar eyes...

Let Xiao Zai Zai instantly think of the twins I saw today.

It can't be such a coincidence, can it? ?
Dad seemed to be seriously injured, and the two of them didn't seem to intend to let him go. The sharp, bloody blade slowly approached Dad's neck.

The little cub was so anxious that he was about to cry, he ran up to stop him, but he was in vain.

The world went dark, the world spun, and a large ineffective and messy dream flashed back.

Yu Yuanyuan was so tired from crying, she woke up from her dream while beeping and hiccupping.

It was just dawn outside, and the sky was still foggy, with a trace of night remaining.

Xiao Zai Zai brought over the stool, stood on it and looked downstairs...

Dahua was still asleep, curled up comfortably in a circle.

The dream last night seemed to be a prophetic dream again, Dad was hurt again!
In order to verify, Xiao Zai Zai ran to Gao Zhou's room, raised his claws and knocked: "Gao Susu, Gao Susu!"

Gao Zhou, who is used to getting up early, woke up early, and even changed his clothes and was lying on the bed looking at his phone.

He can't be idle even if he doesn't need to go out with Yu Jinxiao to do errands, there are other affairs of the company that need to be dealt with and arranged.

Hearing the voice of the little milk at the door, Gao Zhou jumped up, opened the door and said, "Miss Yuanyuan, what's the matter?"

This little cub slept until noon every time, and came to him early in the morning, frightening Gao Zhou's heart.

Yu Yuanyuan rushed in and grabbed his pants, his mouth was moving, but he didn't hear a word.

Ventriloquism? ?

Gao Zhou looked at the ball of glutinous rice balls in disbelief, knelt down and put his ear up to hear clearly.

But it was close enough that he still couldn't hear anything.

Finally, the depressed little Zaizai sighed and muttered to himself: "As expected..."

Sure enough, it was a prophetic dream again.

An unspeakable dream is a secret that cannot be revealed. She is very clever, round, and cute. She has already grasped this rule!

Gao Zhou looked puzzled: "Huh?"

Xiao Zai Zai shook his head helplessly and was about to go back to the room, when the phone rang in the room.

As soon as Gao Zhou picked up the phone, his expression became extremely ugly in an instant: "What? Mr. Yu is injured?"

(End of this chapter)

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