The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 266 Brother Shen Ji Wants to See Me?

Chapter 266 Brother Shen Ji Wants to See Me?

But Yu Yuanyuan looked rather complacent, as if she felt that she had made a very good work, and it was not easy for Yu Jinxiao to hit her.

After deliberating for a while, he stepped forward and sat on the carpet, and asked in a tone as gentle as possible without any obvious emotions: "How about, Dad accompany you to do something special? Like a small tree, a cute little flower, or... …cactus?"

"But, Yuanyuan porridge is such a cannibal." Turning her head, Xiao Zai Zai looked a little depressed, as if she felt that Yu Jinxiao didn't like her homework.

How dare Yu Jinxiao say that.

Doing homework for the first time, if her enthusiasm is dampened, it may have a shadow on her homework in the future.

With a long road to work, Yu Jinxiao didn't want to be a stumbling block for Xiao Zai Zai.

Otherwise, he will be the one who suffers in the future.

"Well, as long as you like it, Uncle Gao is looking for a box, and when the box is brought, he will pack it up and take it to school tomorrow." Yu Jinxiao completely gave up struggling, and joined Xiao Zai Zai in the united front.

Gao Zhou found a cardboard box, but Xiao Zaizai didn't want to put it in so early, so she took it out to admire when she had something to do, and was very satisfied with her first homework.

Before going to kindergarten the next morning, she deliberately put the piranhas on the dining table and watched them while eating.

Yu Jinxiao really doesn't understand, haven't you gotten tired of watching it for two days...

Especially the color looked scary, I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional, the color was painted in a dark purple red.

At first glance, it feels that it is not only cannibalistic, but also poisonous!

"Oops!" Xiao Zai Zai, who was eating a sandwich, flicked his finger, and a string of ketchup flew onto the piranha.

She put her finger in the toilet paper and poked it, and was about to wipe it, but Yu Mingxi hurriedly caught her: "Don't wipe it, the color will fade."

"Then what to do with the swelling!" Xiao Zai Zai frowned in panic.

Yu Mingxi didn't know what to do, so he could only bite the bullet and comfort: "Let it stay on it, imperfection is also a special kind, which means it is a special flower."

Anxious Zai Zai turned into a sluggish Zai Zai.

My brother is talking about the horse, the round little brain can't handle it!
Yu Jinxiao glanced at the little guy's naive expression, and stepped forward to help her put her homework into a cardboard box: "Didn't you say it was a cannibal flower? Since it wants to eat people, it's normal to throw a little blood on it, right? Just think of that ketchup as blood."

"Ba Ba is right!!" Xiao Zai Zai cheered, clapping his paws.

On the way to the kindergarten, Yu Yuanyuan hugged her box dearly, unwilling to let go for a moment.

Open it from time to time and let out a silly "hey" laugh.

When he was at the school gate, Xiao Zai Zai couldn't wait to tell Teacher Su that he had made a very special plant.

Teacher Su also smiled and asked what it was, Xiao Zai Zai was mysterious and didn't tell her, and she would not show it to her until class.

Yu Yuanyuan, who was obediently lining up in the queue, looked around and wanted to open the box several times, but she was afraid that others would see it too early and lose her sense of mystery.

From the corner of the eye, he glanced at the fence beside him, and the little boy's eyes suddenly lit up, and he ran all the way to stop Shen Ji who was passing by: "Brother Shen Ji!!!"

The crunchy little milk voice is like a gentle feather, sweeping away the haze that always shrouded Shen Ji's face when he was alone.

"Yuanyuan? Why do you carry such a big box?" Shen Ji purposely approached the fence, and squatted down to talk to her.

Her fair and delicate face was reflected by the green vines, and her skin was as pale as snow.

It's just that the normally skinny boy seems to grow a little stronger every time we meet.

Even the height is like a quietly rising bamboo shoot, which changes every time I see it.

Of course, this change was unnoticed by Xiao Zai Zai.

"It's Yuanyuan's homework due today, brother Shen Ji, do you want to see it?" Before Shen Ji could answer, Yu Yuanyuan had already tacitly agreed that he wanted to see it, and excitedly opened the box.

(End of this chapter)

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