Chapter 267

Shen Ji suddenly lost his voice for a few seconds after seeing clearly what was inside.

It was hard to find my own language function: "This is... a piranha?"

Xiao Zaizai was so excited that he clenched his fists: "Wow!! Brother Shen Ji guessed right! Did Yuanyuan look alike!"

It looks like, just because it's so similar, and there are unknown red smudges... It looks a little scary.

It didn't scare Shen Ji, but he didn't think this thing should appear in a kindergarten.

"Like, very similar." Shen Ji was not boasting, he did recognize the piranha at a glance.

Someone praised her for doing it like it!
Yu Yuanyuan was very happy, and said that she would make something for Shen Ji as a birthday present in the future.

After trying the sweetness of the compliment, Xiao Zai Zai's excitement became more and more intense, as long as she was happy, Shen Ji didn't care about anything.

After chatting with Yu Yuanyuan until the teacher let him into the classroom, Shen Ji left and was almost late.

Yu Yuanyuan, who sat down with a cardboard box in her seat, was so excited that she couldn't sit still, her small body swayed from side to side, and she couldn't wait to go up and show her homework.

Seeing her moving non-stop, Chu Qi kindly asked, "Yuanyuan, do you want to go to the bathroom?"

"No, Yuanyuan made a beautiful flower, and I want to show it to everyone." Yu Yuanyuan patted the box, and Chu Qi was a little curious with her crisp voice.

Yuanyuan is so cute, what kind of plant would she make?

Roses?Cactus?Lotus leaf?Bluebells?

There was only a nanny at home, and Chu Qi didn't expect any adults to help, so she randomly rubbed a small tree within her ability, and glued a few pieces of green paper as leaves.

The children went up one by one to show and explain that what everyone made were very "normal" plants, nothing more than flowers and plants.

Gu Beiyan made a flytrap, which is probably the most unusual one so far. It received the exclamation and applause of many children, and even Teacher Su praised his homework.

Waiting and waiting, finally waiting for himself, Xiao Zai Zai stood up from the chair with a huff, and deliberately slowed down the pace while holding the box.

In my mind, I even set up a passionate bgm for myself. In a short section, I walked for almost a minute.

"Yuanyuan, what's the matter? Are your feet uncomfortable?" Teacher Su knelt down and asked concerned.

Yu Yuanyuan shook her head, and handed over her own box: "Mr. Su, this is Yuanyuan's homework."

"Okay, okay," Teacher Su opened the box with a smile, his expression froze instantly, "..."

To take or not to take?
Is this thing really Yu Yuanyuan's homework? ? ?
"Teacher, what is Yuanyuan making?" Gu Beiyan, eager to know the answer, hurriedly urged on the seat, stretching his neck and waiting in pain.

Not only the classmates are waiting for her, even Xiao Zaizai is waiting for her to show her homework.

Teacher Su hesitated for a few seconds, then slowly took out the homework from the box and placed it on the table.

The little friend who was chattering a second ago suddenly fell silent, as if he was frightened by the shock.

"Yuanyuan, can you introduce... what kind of plant is this?" Teacher Su tried to keep calm.

She has been a kindergarten teacher for so long, and she has seen all kinds of weird operations. The little friend's thinking is very jumpy, so it's strange to be a piranha.

Not surprising.

not at all! ! !
"This is human-eating hair made by Yuanyuan," Xiao Zaizai, with his hands behind his back, shook it cutely, looking a little embarrassed, "This big hair can eat people and small animals, so let's take a bite." One……"

With the introduction of Xiaozaizai, all the little friends in the audience lost their smiles.

(End of this chapter)

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