The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 268 You Are Really a Freak

Chapter 268 You Are Really a Freak
"However, the one made by Yuanyuan is a smaller human-eating hair. It only eats bugs, not people. Don't be afraid, everyone."

After happily introducing her homework, Yu Yuanyuan raised her head and smiled like a cute flower, waiting to be praised by everyone.

It would be a lie to say that they are not afraid, the little friends sitting in the first row are already moving the stools and retreating towards the back, trying to keep a distance from the strange things on the table.

Even the timid little girls were so frightened that they hugged their schoolbags tightly.

"Wow..." Gu Beiyan squeezed out praise with instinctive affection, "As expected of Yuanyuan, everything she makes is so... emm... special."

Not only Gu Beiyan, but even Chu Qi was surprised by her.

No matter how you look at this piranha, it doesn't look like something that such a cute Yu Yuanyuan would like!

"It got a little dirty here," Xiao Zai Zai explained honestly, pointing to the place where the tomato sauce was, "but Baba said that piranhas would eat people, and a little red blood would be more real, hehe. "

"Wow, it's so scary!"


The child thought the red dots were blood, and was so frightened that he cried on the spot, and the classroom exploded in an instant.

Teacher Su held back the throbbing pain in her temples and put away Yu Yuanyuan's homework, and then calmed down the crying little friend.

The crying little friend was quiet, but Yu Yuanyuan also emo'd.

She carried the box back to her seat, looked at the homework inside sadly, her little eyes were wet.

Gu Beiyan saw the pitiful look of Xiao Zai Zai crying, and his heart softened as if he had been stabbed a few times: "Yuanyuan, your homework is very good, you really look like a piranha!!"

"But, everyone doesn't like it." Saying that, Yu Yuanyuan tightened her arms, her drooping little head was like a drooping sunflower.

Everyone praised that the piranhas she made were very similar, but what about the resemblance?Everyone didn't like it, and some children cried in fright.

His favorite work is not appreciated, which makes Xiao Zai Zai a big blow.

Chu Qi wanted to comfort Yuanyuan several times, but...she lacked communication since she was a child, and she was exhausted just trying to comfort her.

Chu Qi didn't think of any useful words until lunch time.

Gu Beiyan, on the other hand, dug out all the snacks and candies he had kept at the bottom of the box. The little boy who liked to "eat" on weekdays actually had no appetite and wanted none of them.

"Yuanyuan wants this and that, thank you, Susu." Holding the dinner plate, Yu Yuanyuan, who usually has a big appetite at noon, actually only wanted two dishes today.

Chu Qi and Gu Beiyan, who were following beside them, exchanged secret glances.

Not good, very bad!
Yuanyuan only ate such a small amount, and she could see that she was in a very sad mood.

"Yuanyuan, are you still thinking about homework? In fact, you are doing really well, with your own characteristics, and you don't need to care whether others like it or not," Gu Beiyan tried to construct comforting words, wanting to make Xiao Zai Zai recover Cheerful, "I really like the poop base, it's very creative, and it's much more interesting than making a flower pot."

The little bit of joy brought by the food shattered in Xiao Zai Zai's eyes. She held the spoon and said in an extremely aggrieved voice, "That's a flower pot, not a papa!"

Oh well, rainbow farts became landmine farts.

"Shut up, you." Chu Qi rolled Gu Beiyan's eyes so sharply that he obediently shut his throat.

"Yu Yuanyuan, you actually make such ugly and terrible things," Han Ya, who had been holding back all morning, finally found a chance to taunt her, "You really are a freak."

(End of this chapter)

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