The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 269 So You Are A Good Person

Chapter 269 So You Are A Good Person
"Yuanyuan is not a freak," Xiao Zaizai retorted angrily, shaking his mouth, "Yuanyuan doesn't want to talk to you, you are not cute at all."

"Pfft." Wen Zifei, who had no sense of existence since entering school, couldn't help laughing.

She is so weak even when she swears, anyone can really bully her.

He couldn't help wondering, how would such a fragile little thing survive in the future?
Although this is a kindergarten, it is not an ordinary kindergarten.

"Liu Wei Wei, you are a freak. You like to talk to cats, you also like to lie, and you also make such scary things as cannibal flowers." Han Ya has been upset for a long time, and has been waiting for an opportunity all morning.

She speaks very fast, and her mouth is also poisonous, as long as she grabs a point, she can turn over and over again and use her speed to gain the upper hand.

Cubs who don't have the talent to quarrel are easy to be manipulated.

Sudden fall at the school gate last week, Han Ya felt so angry that her cheeks became hot when she thought about it.

Although this matter has nothing to do with Yu Yuanyuan, but seeing her embarrassing side, she will definitely speak ill of herself to others, and she must act first.

At that time, it will be Yu Yuanyuan who will be embarrassed, not her.

"Miaomiao is not scary, Yuan... Yuanyuan... can really understand cannibal speech..." The eyes of the little cub who was dazed by himself almost circled.

Gu Beiyan and Chu Qi were so angry that they scolded Han Ya angrily.

One against two weakened Han Ya's momentum, she raised her hand and pointed at them all: "You play with Yu Yuanyuan, you are also freaks!"

Wen Zifei, who was watching the play next to him, raised his finger in disbelief, and turned to himself: "Me?"

He was just passing by, but unexpectedly became one of the weird little gang around Yu Yuanyuan? ? ?

"You are Yu Yuanyuan's follower, and you are also a freak."

Good guy, really good guy.

Wen Zifei sneered, and his mood for watching the show disappeared in an instant: "How dare you scold me? What right do you have to scold me, an ugly monster? Take a basin of water to shine on your face, even a freak is more ugly than you." Strong! Humph!"

Little girls love beauty the most, and being called an ugly girl by one of the handsome boys recognized by the school is undoubtedly a stab in her heart.

Han Ya froze in place, her head was blank, tears came out of her eyes, and she rushed out of the cafeteria crying bitterly.

Chu Qi and Gu Beiyan looked at each other speechlessly, both of them had the displeasure of "I've given you all the pens to pretend" on their faces.

They also wanted to scold Han Ya for venting their anger on Xiao Yuanyuan!
"Thank you, little mosquito," the aggrieved Yu Yuanyuan rubbed her eyes, not knowing whether it was tears from anger or emotion, "So you are a good person."

Wen Zifei turned his head inexplicably, and after meeting Xiao Zai Zai's grateful eyes, he realized that she had misunderstood.
What kind of good people are bad people, if Han Ya didn't scold him, he wouldn't open his mouth.

"You don't want to be sentimental, I'm not helping you, she scolded me, I scolded back," Wen Zifei raised his chin, stopped talking, and clasped his hands arrogantly on his chest, "Also, you and I I don’t know you well, don’t take any weird nicknames!”

"Okay, little mosquito."

Wen Zifei: "..."

Why did you nickname him in such a cute tone! ! !
After dinner, it was time for free activities. Yu Yuanyuan missed her piranha homework, and slipped back to the classroom alone to open it.

As soon as they entered, they saw the box lying on the ground, Han Ya and Daju—a person and a cat standing near the box.

Han Ya panicked, pointed at Daju and shouted, "It did it!!"

Daju: "Meow?"

(End of this chapter)

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