The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 270 This cat is a bad cat

Chapter 270 This cat is a bad cat

Hearing the noise in the classroom, other children also came to look curiously.

The mess in the classroom knew what was going on at a glance. Some teaching tools were overturned on the ground and fell everywhere.

All the children preconceived that Daju entered the classroom to be mischievous, and squeezed in one by one to check their homework.

Fortunately, except for Yu Yuanyuan's box that fell to the ground, everyone else's homework was fine.

Yu Yuanyuan was not in a hurry to ask who did it, picked up the box, opened it and checked it before showing a relieved smile.

"Great, it's not broken." Xiao Zaizai happily put the box back where it was, but other children in the classroom started to make a fuss.

"This cat is a bad cat, beat it." Someone shouted first, and the children picked up the pens, brushes, and paper balls on the ground, and taught Daju a lesson.

Sensing the child's unfriendly mood, Daju fiercely arched his back and let out a menacing meow.

Han Ya pursed her lips guiltily, echoing her muttering: "Get rid of it, get rid of it quickly!"

"Don't hit, don't hit Big Orange." Just after putting the box away, Xiao Zaizai ran forward helplessly to block the targeted Fat Orange Meow, "It doesn't have to be Big Orange."

The aggrieved tone made the children stop their movements. They didn't want to bully Daju maliciously, but just wanted to drive him away out of the mentality of driving away the troublesome cat.

"Leave her alone, hit, beat the cat out." Han Ya shouted with emotion at the top of her lungs.

As a result, there were not two people who responded to her, and the atmosphere in the classroom suddenly became quiet, making her loud provocation seem like a joke.

Chu Qi, Gu Beiyan, and Wen Zifei, who came to the classroom one after the other, looked confused. They didn't know what happened, and they only found out after asking other children.

They didn't intervene, they just watched Yu Yuanyuan squat down and pat Daju on the head.

The cat, which was fierce and bright paws a second ago, suddenly became gentle and obedient, meowing and meowing, and the voice sounded like a complaint of grievance.

Even Chu Qi, a mature child who never overdoes it, felt that Daju's meowing sound seemed to say that she was wronged.

Aware of this childish thought, she shook her head, brushing away the ridiculous thought from her mind.

Can cats communicate with humans?
Are you kidding me, it's only like this in TV dramas!

Yu Yuanyuan squatted there like a piece of white and soft glutinous rice cakes, her jet-black curly hair was bouncing lightly on her shoulders, and her fat little fingers were gently stroking Daju's back, as if comforting herself good friend.

There is tenderness in the shiny black eyes, and the eyes stay on Daju seriously, nodding from time to time, as if he is really communicating with a cat.

Wen Zifei folded his arms and waited to see the joke.

But looking at...

The scene in front of me spread a wonderful feeling of warmth, like a warm sun that suddenly slanted into a dark corner of the house, making the heart warm irresistibly.

As a result, the limbs and bones also felt a certain kind of rising temperature with the flow of blood, which made Wen Zifei's little heart beat a little fast for no reason.

Everyone quietly admired the harmonious picture of the cubs and cats.

A few minutes later, Yu Yuanyuan nodded, and looked at the children around: "Daju said that he didn't bring down the box, but he came in to stop the person who destroyed the box!"

The child was soon aroused by Xiao Zai Zai's words: "Who is it? Who is so bad?"

(End of this chapter)

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