Chapter 271
Han Ya has already begun to swallow uneasily, her eyes are turning around, and her head is faintly sweating.

The bangs were soaked into strands, and the palms of his hands became small fists.

"Daju said it was Han Ya," Yu Yuanyuan raised his head to look at Han Ya, his pure and harmless eyes met a pair of frightened eyes, "It's none of Daju's business."

The children didn't doubt whether Yu Yuanyuan really knew what Mao Mao said, they all instinctively focused their eyes on Han Ya.

Those scrutinizing and suspicious eyes made Han Ya feel as uncomfortable as if she was being stabbed by a knife.

"Yu Yuanyuan, don't lie!!" Han Ya yelled in shock, flustered like a mouse caught by someone, "How could people know what the cat said? You made up the words yourself, don't try to be wronged Me, I didn't do anything!"

After being told by Han Ya, the children suddenly realized.

Yes, how can people understand cats?

Besides, none of them could understand it, so why did Yu Yuanyuan understand it alone?
It makes sense to explain it with the reason of "pretending".

In the rhythm area, the children thought that Yu Yuanyuan said this on purpose, so that everyone would target Han Ya and stop helping her.

The crowd whispered, even if they couldn't hear what they were saying, Yu Yuanyuan could feel the suspicious eyes.

Xiao Zaizai had never been stared at like this before, and the invisible pressure suddenly squeezed out thick grievances from the bottom of his heart, and his eyes were red with discomfort.

"Yuanyuan didn't lie, and Daju didn't lie either," the helpless Yu Yuanyuan hugged Daju, and hurriedly explained, "It's true, it's true."

Everyone didn't believe it, and looked at her with even more suspicion. The whispered discussions around her were like trivial accusations, which made Xiao Zai Zai suck the tip of his red nose aggrieved.

"Yuanyuan won't lie, I believe in Yuanyuan," Gu Beiyan's head became hot, and he stood up to support Yu Yuanyuan without hesitation, "No matter what happens, we will stand by Yuanyuan's side."


Chu Qi believed Xiaozaizai by default, but Wen Zifei beside her...

He followed Gu Beiyan's line of sight in surprise and found himself!
Are you kidding me?
He doesn't want to support anyone, it's none of his business at all.

"Could it be that you guys helped Yu Yuanyuan do it?" Han Ya was young, but she had a quick mind on such things, "You are in the same group."

The people who support Yu Yuanyuan are also her enemies, and only by letting them all be suspected can they be cleared of their suspicions.

Gu Beiyan pointed at himself, his eyes flustered: "Don't talk nonsense!"

"It can't be Gu Beiyan," a child in the crowd stood up to speak for him, "We were talking with Gu Beiyan just now."

All eyes moved to the second suspect: Chu Qi.

"It wasn't Chu Qi either. Chu Qi was still in the cafeteria when we came out."

Immediately afterwards, Chu Qi's suspicion was also ruled out.

In the end, the third suspect, Wen Zifei, was left.

Wen Zifei was stared at by many pairs of eyes and had to explain: "I just went to the toilet."

"Did anyone see it?"

"I did not see it."

"I didn't see it either."

"But, Wen Zifei probably wouldn't do things for Yu Yuanyuan."

"Why not?" Han Ya choked, pointing out something that everyone had almost forgotten, "Wen Zifei is Yu Yuanyuan's follower, as long as she says something, he has to obediently do it."

Wen Zifei: "???"

What kind of spiral fart are you putting on!

"Then...Wen Zifei, did you really do it?" A girl in the crowd asked softly.

Immediately, all the children shrouded him with dubious eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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