The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 272 You Are Guilty

Chapter 272 You Are Guilty

Wen Zifei tried to pass by, but was caught and framed: "..."

Originally eating melons, I became melons.

"Wow, it's too much for you to wrong people like this." A child really believed Han Ya's words and helped her fight the injustice. "It's wrong to wrong others, please apologize."

"Yeah, sorry, it's too embarrassing."

The crowd was noisy, and the louder and louder voices made it difficult for Xiao Zai Zai and Wen Zifei to ride a tiger.

How could Yu Yuanyuan's brain circuit understand what was happening right now.

Inexplicably, Wen Zifei was brought in, and Wen Zifei began to be scolded for no reason, everything was inexplicable to her.

The sad little Zaizai was overwhelmed by the information overload, and stared blankly at the densely packed little friends in front of him.

The unblinking eyes were wet, and the pitiful and sad emotions soaked in the bottom of the eyes, making Yu Yuanyuan look like a helpless animal cub.

All have become enemies and utter isolation.

Wen Zifei was forced to retreat to Yu Yuanyuan's side by the little friends who kept approaching and accusing him.

She was forced to get on the same boat with Yu Yuanyuan.

If it wasn't for Yu Yuanyuan, he wouldn't have gotten into so many troubles.

He turned his eyes angrily, and accidentally collided with those beautiful and clear eyes, his irritable mood was suddenly hit by something, and it was refreshed.

Like a mint candy soaked in sparkling water, the cool and comfortable feeling slowly diffuses in the heart, and finally melts into the water silently, and the whole chest is comfortable and cool in summer.

Wen Zifei unconsciously took a deep breath, originally wanted to scold Yu Yuanyuan, but the words suddenly stopped coming out of his mouth.

"What?" Xiao Zai Zai, who was in a daze for a while, delayed for 10 seconds, "It's none of Wen Zifei's business, Da Ju said that Han Ya knocked over the box."

No matter what she said, it is impossible for everyone to believe in "the cat's words" and insist that this is an incident that Wen Zifei wrote, directed and acted together with her.

The purpose is to blame Han Ya.

Yu Yuanyuan and Han Ya had a bad fight because of Daju before, and everyone almost forgot about it.

Thinking about it now, the more I think about it, the more logical the analysis becomes.

Yu Yuanyuan deliberately instructed Wen Zifei, an attendant, to destroy her box, and then came to find it just in time, making everyone think it was Han Ya who did it, wouldn't it just happen to blame Han Ya?
There are still many unthinkable loopholes in the whole thing, but it is difficult for a group of kindergarten children to think of complicated things, and the superficial rhythm alone can take them all away.

Wen Zifei hated being wronged the most, how did he know that he could take the blame as a "follower", he couldn't swallow this tone no matter what!
"I want to check the box." Wen Zifei pointed to the box, resolutely refusing to admit it.

"No!" Han Ya refused loudly, it sounded like she was the party of justice.

"With so many pairs of eyes watching, can I do any tricks?" Wen Zifei curled his lips and gave her a white look, "Or, are you guilty, afraid that I will find out something?"

The two couldn't stop arguing, and Yu Yuanyuan, who was silently watching from the sidelines, raised her nose and slowly approached, shaking her little head around the box: "Yuanyuan smells curry!"

"Yu Yuanyuan, you still want to eat at this time!!" Wen Zifei was furious, wishing to open that little brain to see if it was filled with food.

Xiao Zai Zai ignored him, sniffed and sniffed, almost sticking to a corner of the box: "It's here, it's covered in curry!"

Wen Zifei: "..." I don't want to talk to you.

But it wasn't over yet, Xiao Zaizai continued to sniff and sniff with the tip of his nose, bent down clumsily, and suddenly rushed over to hold Han Ya's hand: "This also smells of curry!"

(End of this chapter)

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