Chapter 274

The other children didn't have a deep understanding of surveillance, but Chu Qi was used to it since she was a child.

A set of ultra-high-definition surveillance is installed in the living room of her house, and her parents can even talk to themselves through that machine.

Sometimes when she is watching TV, the instrument on the table will suddenly burst out the silly laughter of her parents and talk to herself...

Be as scary as you want, so that Chu Qi will pay special attention at home not to let her parents catch her playing tricks.

So as soon as she walked into a surveillance environment, Chu Qi would be keenly aware of where the surveillance was.

After Mr. Su had a general understanding of the situation, he took out his mobile phone and prepared to watch the surveillance.

She assumed several results in her mind, and for the sake of the children's face, she deliberately didn't let others watch it together.

Unexpectedly, Chu Qi said something surprising again: "Teacher, let's play it together in front of everyone. Isn't there a projection over there?"

Teacher Su: "..."

This kid is hard to fool.

"Wait for the teacher to see first..."

"It's all about watching anyway, shouldn't everyone watch together?"

"That's right, that's right, Mr. Su, let's release it for everyone to watch together."

With just a few words, Chu Qi inflated the children's curiosity to the extreme. A group of children surrounded Teacher Su, pulling her clothes and asking to watch the surveillance together.

Just as Teacher Su was about to refuse, Wen Zifei folded his hands and frowned impatiently: "What's the matter? Is it because the parents can't watch together unless the parents come? Or I'll call my dad right away."

The children in the kindergarten are not ordinary people, especially Wen Zifei's father is not easy to mess with.

This "not easy to mess with" is not just reflected in his father's identity, but...

Whenever Wen Zifei called him, his father would leave everything behind, put his son first, and arrive as soon as possible.

If Wen Xiaohan came in person, the conflict would no longer be between children and children.

Teacher Su was exhausted physically and mentally.

She didn't expect such a slippery threat to be played among this group of children.

"Then you wait, I'll adjust the projection." Teacher Su who was erected had no other choice.

Turn on the projection, turn on the surveillance video, and cast——

There was a picture on the screen, and everyone held their breaths, wondering what happened just now.

At the beginning of the picture, there is an empty classroom, and the children have all gone to lunch.

After about a few minutes, a fat and yellow figure walked into the classroom and walked around like a walk.

Han Ya raised her throat and gestured desperately to the screen with her hands: "Look, I'll just say that this cat did it!! Don't read any further, this is the truth!"

"Shut up, you won't go blind if you look at it for a few more minutes, and you won't die." Wen Zifei crossed his arms and gave her a cold glance. "Or, are you very guilty now, afraid that everyone will see the truth?"

"Hey, look, the cat has passed!!"

The children were in an uproar, and many pairs of eyes saw the big orange on the curtain wandering towards Yu Yuanyuan's box, sniffing it curiously for a long time, and stretched out its paw to poke it lightly.

It didn't matter this time, the box was tilted to the outside of the shelf, and more than half of it was hanging in the air.

But Daju didn't continue to attack the box, as if he had lost interest in the box, he ran to the bottom of the table at a faster angle and scraped off a ball of paper on the ground.

Just when it was having fun, a gust of wind blew in, and the suspended box shook and fell to the ground with a bang.

Not only Wen Zifei, but even Gu Beiyan who firmly believed in Yu Yuanyuan was stunned.

Is it really none of Han Ya's business?
"It's all a misunderstanding," Teacher Su paused with a smile, "Let's shake hands, we are still good friends."

"Teacher Su," the little cub who has no sense of existence suddenly popped up, "Can you put it down for a while, I want to see Daju playing with magic horses!"

Han Ya's hairs stood on end after secretly letting out a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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